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GEORGINA ROMERO GENARO (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])
El Acinetobacter es un cocobacilo aerobio gramnegativo que se ha descrito desde un
organismo de patogenicidad cuestionable hasta el de un agente infeccioso de gran
importancia hospitalaria en todo el mundo y se presenta en pacientes susceptibles con
mayor frecuencia en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI). En nuestro país existen
estudios relacionado con este microorganismo que sustenta la importancia de la
Este trabajo de investigación titulado “Prevención por acinetobacter baumannii en la
unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital de segundo nivel de atención”, tiene como
objetivo prevenir las infecciones asociadas por Acinetobacter baumannii. Mediante tres
variables las cuales son: higiene de manos, limpieza y desinfección de material y equipo
y la técnica de barrera máxima.
Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y observacional. La muestra de
estudio está conformada por 30 profesionales de enfermería que se encuentran adscritas
a la UCI. Se realiza una evaluación de conocimientos a través de un instrumento sobre
las medidas de prevención que consta de 10 preguntas con opción multiple donde los
criterios de evaluación son: muy bueno, bueno y deficiente esta medición sustenta la
necesidad de la realización de este estudio. Con respecto al conocimiento que tiene el
personal profesional de enfermería encuestado sobre la eficiencia de las medidas de
prevención por acinetobacter baumannii se obtuvo un indicador de eficiencia general
bueno de un 72%. Los resultados por variable fueron los siguientes: el 80% fue de
conocimiento, el 63% al lavado de manos, 72% corresponde a la limpieza y desinfección
del material y equipo así como por último se obtuvo el 80% en la técnica de barrera
Estos resultados nos permiten implementar las medidas preventivas mediante la difusión
con base en la NOM-045-SSA-2015 para la vigilancia epidemiológica, prevención y
control de las infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud, al personal de enfermería
de la UCI.
Acinetobacter is a gram-negative aerobic coccobacillus that has been described from an
organism of questionable pathogenicity to that of an infectious agent of great hospital
importance worldwide and occurs in susceptible patients more frequently in intensive care
units (ICU). In our country there are studies related to this microorganism that support the
importance of prevention.
This research work entitled "Prevention of Acinetobacter baumannii in the intensive care
unit of a second level care hospital", aims to prevent infections associated with
Acinetobacter baumannii. By means of three variables which are: hand hygiene, cleaning
and disinfection of airway material and equipment and the maximum barrier technique.
A quantitative, descriptive and observational study was carried out. The study sample
consisted of 30 nursing professionals assigned to the ICU. Knowledge was evaluated by
means of an instrument on prevention measures consisting of 10 multiple-choice
questions where the evaluation criteria are: very good, good and deficient, this
measurement supports the need to carry out this study. With respect to the knowledge
that the professional nursing personnel surveyed have about the efficiency of
acinetobacter baumannii prevention measures, a good overall efficiency indicator of 72%
was obtained. The results by variable were as follows: 80% were for knowledge, 63% for
hand washing, 72% for cleaning and disinfection of material and equipment, and 80% for
the maximum barrier technique.
These results allow us to implement preventive measures through dissemination based
on NOM-045-SSA-2015 for epidemiological surveillance, prevention and control of
healthcare-associated infections, to ICU nursing staff.
MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS acinetobacter baumannii, prevención, lavado de manos, desinfección y la técnica de barrera máxima. acinetobacter baumannii, prevention, hand washing, disinfection and maximum barrier technique.
The pedestrian trajectories derived from the barriers of the public space
Amanda Casillas Ana Victoria Casillas Zapata (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Walking behavior respond to various factors, both internal and external, the first one is linked to the pedestrian's motivation, and the second one is linked to the opportunity offered by the built environment. The public space in the cities represents the main articulator of pedestrian movements, allowing flexible or fixed types of trips to be carried out. Therefore, those urban spaces that are detached from the network conformed by the pedestrian infrastructure could limit accessibility and alter the paths of travel. This study addresses the cases of three neighborhood parks that in recent years have had their configuration transformed by closing their perimeters in a partial or total way; the main objective of this study is to identify the types of pedestrian trajectories that derive from these barriers, as for those who move from within the neighborhoods and those who move from outside. These trajectories were analyzed under a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope. This allow us to determine that the parks, according to their disposition, have the potential to attract or repel the pedestrian movement, whether they were used as a destination or a connection place for displacement. In this way, it was possible to determine that the pedestrian trajectories are conditioned by the reduced permeability of these spaces.
Pedestrian mobility Public space Parks Barriers movilidad peatonal espacio público parques barreras conectividad HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Corrección de defectos óseos en el área de Ingeniería tisular
Correction of bone defects by tissue Engineering
Hoy en día, los defectos óseos representan uno de los casos de mayor impacto en la salud debido a la frecuencia con que éstos ocurren a causa de traumatismos, fracturas, enfermedades congénitas o degenerativas. En la actualidad, los implantes de tejido óseo de gran volumen se encuentran severamente restringidos a causa de las limitaciones de difusión en la interacción con el ambiente del huésped para los nutrientes, intercambio gaseoso y eliminación de desechos. Es por ello que la corrección de los defectos óseos ha cobrado gran importancia en el área de Ingeniería tisular buscando mejorar las estrategias clínicas para su tratamiento. El propósito de esta revisión es proporcionar un panorama general del desarrollo de andamios para la regeneración de tejido óseo, mostrando los avances logrados en los ensayos in vitro e in vivo en la última década
Currently, bone defects cases represent a major impact on health due to how often they occur because of trauma, fractures, congenital or degenerative diseases. Now, bone implants to large volume are severely restricted because of the diffusion limitations in the interaction
with the environment of the host for nutrients, gas exchange and waste disposal. That is why the correction of bone defects has become very important in the field of tissue engineering looking to improve clinical strategies for treatment. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the development of scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, showing the progress made in the in vitro and in vivo in recent decades.
MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Ingeniería tisular regeneración ósea Andamio Tissue engineering Bone regeneration Scaffolds
Elevación del piso del seno maxilar con técnica transcrestal.
Introduction: the elevation of the transcrestal floor of the maxillary sinus consists of the vertical reconstruction of the atrophic alveolar ridge in an apical direction, with which it is possible to place the correct number and length of oral implants. Objective: to describe the procedure of a case of transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with the placement of three dental implants. Clinical case: 62 year old female patient with missing teeth 16, 25 and 26. Treatment: three implants were placed to replace the missing teeth. Due to the decrease in height of the remaining alveolar ridge due to pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses, elevation of the sinus floor was planned with the transcrestal Summers¿s technique and placement of graft material. Results: by means of the grafts, sufficient height was achieved for the correct stability of the implants, each área had an average gain of 3 mm in bone height, with which length was obtained to give the implants adequate primary stability. Conclusion: sinus floor elevation with a transcrestal approach is a good alternative for rehabilitation with implants in the posterior edentulous sector, associated with pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses.
Elevation of the floor of the maxillary sinus Transcrestal technique Implants Graft Bone height MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS CIRUGÍA ORTODONCIA-ESTOMATOLOGÍA
Pragya Timsina Emma Karki Brendan Brown (2023, [Artículo])
The majority of the farmers in the rural Global South continue to depend directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods. Despite the fact that women account for almost half of the world's farmers, they face gender-specific challenges such as deeply rooted cultural and social norms that limit their access to land, assets, financial markets, agricultural training, and information. Using semi-structured interviews with farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains, this study investigates how necessity is becoming one of the major drivers in the bending of agricultural gender norms. The study investigates the connections between feminist political ecology and agricultural technology production frameworks in order to comprehend the implications of technology adoption and influences on gender norms in communities. Women's participation in agriculture was found to be heavily influenced by social and cultural barriers, and they were frequently subjected to social criticism for breaking the systemic gender norms. This paper emphasizes on the growing pattern of bending gender norms with recommendations for increasing women's participation and scope in future agriculture development initiatives through policies and interventions that emphasize gender equity.
Rosario Tovar (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
251 páginas. Doctorado en Diseño Bioclimático.
El nivel de calidad del aire interior (CAI) tiene incidencia directa en la salud humana, por eso, es objeto de estudio del diseño bioclimático, toda vez que éste promueve el aprovechamiento de los factores ambientales para la creación y acondicionamiento de espacios en los que los usuarios experimenten confort y bienestar. Además, de impulsar la construcción con sentido común, en donde prevalezca el uso racional de los recursos y una baja dependencia energética. En la presente tesis se pudieron identificar las propiedades de los materiales más comunes que conforman los recubrimientos de muros (cal, cemento, mortero de cemento y yeso) para reconocer los que mejor se adaptan al clima en la Cd. de México, mismos que según se pudo constatar, contribuyen en el control de algunos factores de riesgo (físico: humedad, químico: tóxicos y biológico: microbios) relacionados con una baja calidad del aire al interior de las viviendas. Tal función mitiga o reduce la aparición de algunos de los padecimientos respiratorios más frecuentes en los usuarios como: alergias, asma, rinitis, gripe y sinusitis. Los análisis a los que fueron sometidos los recubrimientos de cuatro materiales ligantes, permitieron evaluar su desempeño ante factores ambientales semi-controlados (temperatura, humedad relativa y concentración de dióxido de carbono) inherentes al funcionamiento del propio espacio interior y al lugar de emplazamiento del mismo. Obviamente, todos los recubrimientos reaccionaron de forma distinta y acorde con las propiedades físicas y químicas de los materiales presentes en cada uno de ellos. Siendo las variaciones más representativas y satisfactorias, las relacionadas con la permeabilidad y el efecto biocida de los recubrimientos hechos con mezcla de cal. Las patologías que mostraron algunos recubrimientos a lo largo del periodo de monitoreo, debido a la insuficiente gestión de la humedad, al alto desarrollo microbiano y a la naturaleza química del material ligante, fueron criptoeflorescencias, moho, bacterias y desprendimiento/diseminación de partículas; mismas que se consideraron definitorias para establecer que al igual que los seres vivos, los materiales de construcción necesitan rangos higrotérmicos específicos, que permitan su óptimo estado de operación. En apego a lo anteriormente citado, es que se considera conveniente concientizar a la población en temas tan importantes para el bienestar social, como la selección de materiales y -consecuente- conservación de los recubrimientos de muros, no sólo para disminuir los costos de ejecución y mantenimiento, sino para aprovechar sus propiedades, ya que tienen una incidencia directa en lo relacionado con el control de las condiciones ambientales básicas, la regulación de la calidad del aire interior y por ende, en la salud de los usuarios. Dicha labor puede iniciar en la etapa formativa de los profesionales de la construcción, con la intención de normalizar el estudio o correcta selección de los sistemas constructivos en función del clima, pero también identificando la función de cada espacio; para garantizar así, que las propuestas de diseño responderán -satisfactoriamente- a los requerimientos de regulación de la humedad, mediante su absorción, transpiración y/o evaporación.
The level of indoor air quality (IAQ) has a direct incidence on the human health, therefore, is the object of study of bioclimatic design, since it promotes the harnessing environmental factors for the creation and conditioning of spaces in which users experience comfort and well-being. In addition, to encourage construction with common sense, where the rational use of resources and low energy dependence prevail. In this thesis it has been identified the properties of the materials that make up the most common wall coverings (hydrated lime, cement, cement mortar and gypsum) for recognizing those that best adapt to the weather in Mexico City, as it could be verified, they contribute to the control of some risk factors (physical:moisture, chemical:toxics and biological:microbes) related with a low indoor air quality at dwellings. This function mitigates or reduces the appearance of some of the most frequent respiratory ailments in users such as: allergies, asthma, rhinitis, flu and sinusitis. The analyses to which the coatings of four binding materials were subjected, allowed to evaluate their performance in the face of semi-controlled environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration) inherent to the operation of the interior space itself and the place of its location. Obviously, all the coatings reacted differently and according with the physical and chemical properties of the materials in each of them. Being the most representative and satisfactory variations, those related to the permeability and biocidal effect of coatings made with hydrated lime mixture. The pathologies that some coatings showed throughout the monitoring period, due to insufficient moisture management, the high microbial development, and the chemical nature of the binding material, were cryptoefflorescences, mold, bacteria and particle shedding/dissemination; they were defining to establish that in similar way to living beings, building materials need specific hygrothermal ranges, to let them works in an optimal state. According with the above, it is considered convenient to raise awareness among the population on issues as important for social welfare, such as the selection of materials and -consequently- conservation of wall coverings, not only to reduce the costs of execution and maintenance, but to take advantage of their properties, since they have a direct incidence in all related with the control of basic environmental conditions, the regulation of indoor air quality and therefore, in users’ health. This work can begin in the formative stage of construction professionals, with the intention of standardizing the study or correct selection of construction systems depending on the weather, but also identifying the function of each space; to guarantee that the design proposals will respond -satisfactorily- to the requirements of humidity regulation, through its absorption, transpiration and/or evaporation.
Muro, recubrimientos, patologías, salud. Wall, coating, pathologies, health. Indoor air pollution--Health aspects. Architecture--Health aspects. Interior walls. Protective coatings. Lime as a disinfectant. Building materials. Communicable diseases--Transmission--Prevention. Contaminación del aire interior. Muros interiores. Revestimientos. Cal como desinfectante. RA577.5 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA DISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO
João Vasco Silva Frits K. Van Evert Pytrik Reidsma (2023, [Artículo])
Context: Wheat crop growth models from all over the world have been calibrated on the Groot and Verberne (1991) data set, collected between 1982 and 1984 in the Netherlands, in at least 28 published studies to date including various recent ones. However, the recent use of this data set for calibration of potential yield is questionable as actual Dutch winter wheat yields increased by 3.1 Mg ha-1 over the period 1984 – 2015. A new comprehensive set of winter wheat experiments, suitable for crop model calibration, was conducted in Wageningen during the growing seasons of 2013–2014 and of 2014–2015. Objective: The present study aimed to quantify the change of winter wheat variety traits between 1984 and 2015 and to examine which of the identified traits explained the increase in wheat yield most. Methods: PCSE-LINTUL3 was calibrated on the Groot and Verberne data (1991) set. Next, it was evaluated on the 2013–2015 data set. The model was further recalibrated on the 2013–2015 data set. Parameter values of both calibrations were compared. Sensitivity analysis was used to assess to what extent climate change, elevated CO2, changes in sowing dates, and changes in cultivar traits could explain yield increases. Results: The estimated reference light use efficiency and the temperature sum from anthesis to maturity were higher in 2013–2015 than in 1982–1984. PCSE-LINTUL3, calibrated on the 1982–1984 data set, underestimated the yield potential of 2013–2015. Sensitivity analyses showed that about half of the simulated winter wheat yield increase between 1984 and 2015 in the Netherlands was explained by elevated CO2 and climate change. The remaining part was explained by the increased temperature sum from anthesis to maturity and, to a smaller extent, by changes in the reference light use efficiency. Changes in sowing dates, biomass partitioning fractions, thermal requirements for anthesis, and biomass reallocation did not explain the yield increase. Conclusion: Recalibration of PCSE-LINTUL3 was necessary to reproduce the high wheat yields currently obtained in the Netherlands. About half of the reported winter wheat yield increase was attributed to climate change and elevated CO2. The remaining part of the increase was attributed to changes in the temperature sum from anthesis to maturity and, to a lesser extent, the reference light use efficiency. Significance: This study systematically addressed to what extent changes in various cultivar traits, climate change, and elevated CO2 can explain the winter wheat yield increase observed in the Netherlands between 1984 and 2015.
Oxidative stress signaling is essential for plant adaptation to hostile environments. Previous studies revealed the essentiality of hydroxyl radicals (HO•)-induced activation of massive K+ efflux and a smaller Ca2+ influx as an important component of plant adaptation to a broad range of abiotic stresses. Such activation would modify membrane potential making it more negative. Contrary to these expectations, here, we provide experimental evidence that HO• induces a strong depolarization, from −130 to −70 mV, which could only be explained by a substantial HO•-induced efflux of intracellular anions. Application of Gd3+ and NPPB, non-specific blockers of cation and anion conductance, respectively, reduced HO• induced ion fluxes instantaneously, implying a direct block of the dual conductance. The selectivity of an early instantaneous HO•-induced whole cell current fluctuated from more anionic to more cationic and vice versa, developing a higher cation selectivity at later times. The parallel electroneutral efflux of K+ and anions should underlie a substantial leak of the cellular electrolyte, which may affect the cell’s turgor and metabolic status. The physiological implications of these findings are discussed in the context of cell fate determination, and ROS and cytosolic K+ signaling
BIOQUÍMICA Anions Membrane potentials (Electrophysiology) Patch-clamp techniques (Electrophysiology) Oxidative stress Anion conductance Electrolyte leakage Hydroxyl radical
Francisco Peña (coord.), La sed urbana. La ciudad como construcción hidráulica
GERARDO MORALES JASSO (2018, [Artículo])
Francisco Peña, antropólogo y doctor en ciencias sociales, coordina
este libro que aborda las obras hidráulicas como “un producto sociopolítico
y, por lo tanto, histórico” (p. 9); es decir, como un tema
de investigación que no es exclusivo de la ingeniería y las ciencias ambientales,
sino que es pertinente para las ciencias sociales, y como tal muestra
que las ciudades no son obras hidráulicas incuestionables.
El libro aborda cinco ciudades que se enfrentan a graves problemas
para garantizar el abasto de agua: São Paulo, Ciudad Juárez, Managua, La
Habana y San Luis Potosí. Además, estos cinco estudios son presentados
por un texto que hace una historia de las relaciones humanas con el agua
desde que se descubrió la existencia de microbios y se vinculó el agua libre
de contaminantes y de microbios con la salud, hasta recientemente,
cuando el agua está más integrada que nunca al mercado. De modo que
aunque los cinco estudios abordan el agua de drenaje, el tratamiento de
agua y el agua microbiológicamente limpia, estos se ven como problemas
sociopolíticos y urbanos; leen la ciudad desde sus funciones, como “acueducto,
pozo de extracción, embalse, hidrante y red de distribución”, y los
respectivos conflictos vinculados al estrés hídrico en tales ciudades, mostrando
que “las políticas urbanas son simultáneamente políticas de agua y
viceversa” (p. 19).
BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA / / Abasto de agua Drenaje Ciencias Ambientales
Genomic approaches for improving grain zinc and iron content in wheat
Chandan Roy Govindan Velu (2022, [Artículo])