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Calidad del agua de un lago urbano en la Ciudad de México (2015-abril 2017)
Ana Cecilia Tomasini Ortiz MERCEDES ESPERANZA RAMIREZ CAMPEROS Lina Cardoso (2017, [Memoria de congreso])
El lago urbano estudiado, está situado al oeste de la Ciudad de México. La problemática de la eutrofización del lago se agudizó y el lago presentó algunas características del estado de hipertrofía por su someridad y circulación limitada, falta de estratificación, regímenes de nutrientes y oxígeno no balanceado y productividad muy alta, tomando como parámetro concentraciones de Clorofila a. Por tal motivo, después de haber monitoreado el lago durante 2015 y hasta marzo de 2015, se adaptó una planta piloto de coagulación-floculación alimentada con agua del mismo lago para el retiro de algas.
Lagos Zonas urbanas Eutroficación Calidad del agua INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA
Causas que originan el declive global del agua
ADRIAN PEDROZO ACUÑA (2022, [Artículo])
Sin importar el tipo de clima bajo el que nos encontremos en el planeta, árido o húmedo, estudios publicados recientemente a partir de información proveniente de satélites y estaciones de monitoreo en tierra han detectado un declive importante en el almacenamiento terrestre de agua (superficial y subterráneo), el cual es más grave en zonas áridas. Estas zonas cubren más del 40% de la superficie terrestre y, tal como lo demostró Schimel (2010), desempeñan un papel preponderante en el secuestro de carbono a escala global. Por otro lado, estas zonas tienen un gran estrés hídrico (Huang et al., 2016) y presentan una alta vulnerabilidad ambiental y económica, al mismo tiempo que son el hogar de un tercio de la población del planeta (UNEP, 2011). Famiglietti (2004) dio cuenta de que en estos climas se presentan la mayor parte de los puntos críticos de declive en el almacenamiento de agua, utilizando para ello datos de la misión satelital GRACE de la Agencia Espacial Norteamericana (NASA). Este declive en la cantidad de agua en ríos y lagos, glaciares, suelo, bosques y acuíferos tiene efectos no solo en la salud de los ecosistemas sino en la estabilidad socioeconómica de las localidades que sufren este fenómeno (Cosgrove y Loucks, 2015, Gleeson et al., 2012).
Escasez de agua Estrés hídrico Vulnerabilidad hídrica Zona árida INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA
Hom Nath Gartaula (2021, [Objeto de congreso])
Weed management and tillage effect on rainfed maize production in three agro-ecologies in Mexico
Simon Fonteyne Abel Jaime Leal González Rausel Ovando Ravi Gopal Singh Nele Verhulst (2022, [Artículo])
Maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in a wide range of agro-ecological environments and production systems across Mexico. Weeds are a major constraint on maize grain yield, but knowledge regarding the best weed management methods is lacking. In many production systems, reducing tillage could lessen land degradation and production costs, but changes in tillage might require changes in weed management. This study evaluated weed dynamics and rainfed maize yield under five weed management treatments (pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, pre-emergence + post-emergence herbicide, manual weed control, and no control) and three tillage methods (conventional, minimum and zero tillage) in three agro-ecologically distinct regions of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016 and 2017. In the temperate Mixteca region, weeds reduced maize grain yields by as much as 92% and the long-growing season required post-emergence weed control, which gave significantly higher yields. In the hot, humid Papaloapan region, weeds reduced maize yields up to 63% and pre-emergence weed control resulted in significantly higher yields than treatments with post-emergence control only. In the semi-arid Valles Centrales region, weeds reduced maize yields by as much as 65%, but weed management was not always effective in increasing maize yield or net profitability. The most effective weed management treatments tended to be similar for the three tillage systems at each site, although weed pressure and the potential yield reduction by weeds tended to be higher under zero tillage than minimum or conventional tillage. No single best option for weed management was found across sites or tillage systems. More research, in which non-chemical methods should not be overlooked, is thus needed to determine the most effective weed management methods for the diverse maize production systems across Mexico.
Enhancing maize's nitrogen-fixing potential through ZmSBT3, a gene suppressing mucilage secretion
jiafa chen XUECAI ZHANG Jianyu Wu (2023, [Artículo])
Trophic ecology of Mexican Pacific harbor seal colonies using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes
There is limited information that provides a comprehensive understanding of the trophic ecology of Mexican Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) colonies. While scat analysis has been used to determine the diet of some colonies, the integrative characterization of its feeding habits on broader temporal and spatial scales remains limited. We examined potential feeding grounds, trophic niche width, and overlap, and inferred the degree of dietary specialization using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in this subspecies. We analyzed δ13C and δ15N on fur samples from pups collected at five sites along the western coast of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Fur of natal coat of Pacific harbor seal pups begins to grow during the seventh month in utero until the last stage of gestation. Therefore pup fur is a good proxy for the mother's feeding habits in winter (∼December to March), based on the timing of gestation for the subspecies in this region. Our results indicated that the δ13C and δ15N values differed significantly among sampling sites, with the highest mean δ15N value occurring at the southernmost site, reflecting a well-characterized north to south latitudinal 15N-enrichment in the food web. The tendency identified in δ13C values, in which the northern colonies showed the most enriched values, suggests nearshore and benthic-demersal feeding habits. A low variance in δ13C and δ15N values for each colony (<1‰) and relatively small standard ellipse areas suggest a specialized foraging behavior in adult female Pacific harbor seals in Mexican waters. © 2020 Juárez-Rodríguez et al.
carbon, delta carbon 13, delta nitrogen 15, isotope, nitrogen, unclassified drug, carbon, nitrogen, Article, correlational study, feeding behavior, latitude, Mexico, nonhuman, organism colony, Pinnipedia, population abundance, species richness, troph BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Gabriela Cervera Arce (1998, [Tesis de maestría])
La monografía está dividida en cuatro partes. La primera ofrece una caracterización socioeconómica del municipio de Ziracuaretiro. El tema de las raíces y el desarrollo del movimiento político de 1989 es tratado en la segunda parte: la luchas locales de corte agrario (las cuales identificamos como el antecedente de la conformación del movimiento político de mediados de los años 80); la afiliación de miembros de los ejidos y la comunidad indígena del municipio a la Corriente Democrática del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) (luego Frente Democrático Nacional (FDN) y posteriormente PRD) en las elecciones de 1988; la inclusión en este movimiento de grupos sociales no campesinos; la decisión del movimiento y, finalmente la participación política mediante la vía electoral y la formación de organizaciones de apoyo político y económico a la producción agropecuaria. En la tercera parte relatamos la participación que campesinos protagonistas del movimiento social han tenido en organizaciones de productores. También reflexionamos sobre el enlace de tal participación. La reflexión sobre la literatura relevante está incorporada en la descripción y el análisis presentados en las partes segunda y tercera punto en la cuarta y última parte presentamos una breve recapitulación y formulamos las conclusiones que nos parecieron más relevantes
Relaciones Sociales -- Ziracuaretiro, Michoacán Elecciones Locales -- Ziracuaretiro, Michoacán Ziracuaretiro, Michoacán -- Política y Gobierno Ziracuaretiro, Michoacán -- Condiciones Económicas CIENCIAS SOCIALES SOCIOLOGÍA PROBLEMAS SOCIALES PROBLEMAS SOCIALES
Suppression of breast tumor growth and metastasis by an engineered transcription factor
Adriana Beltran Lopez (2011, [Artículo])
Maspin is a tumor and metastasis suppressor playing an essential role as gatekeeper of tumor progression. It is highly expressed in epithelial cells but is silenced in the onset of metastatic disease by epigenetic mechanisms. Reprogramming of Maspin epigenetic silencing offers a therapeutic potential to lock metastatic progression. Herein we have investigated the ability of the Artificial Transcription Factor 126 (ATF-126) designed to upregulate the Maspin promoter to inhibit tumor progression in pre-established breast tumors in immunodeficient mice. ATF-126 was transduced in the aggressive, mesenchymal-like and triple negative breast cancer line, MDA-MB-231. Induction of ATF expression in vivo by Doxycycline resulted in 50% reduction in tumor growth and totally abolished tumor cell colonization. Genome-wide transcriptional profiles of ATF-induced cells revealed a gene signature that was found over-represented in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) "Normal-like" intrinsic subtype of breast cancer and in poorly aggressive, ER+ luminal A breast cancer cell lines. The comparison transcriptional profiles of ATF-126 and Maspin cDNA defined an overlapping 19-gene signature, comprising novel targets downstream the Maspin signaling cascade. Our data suggest that Maspin up-regulates downstream tumor and metastasis suppressor genes that are silenced in breast cancers, and are normally expressed in the neural system, including CARNS1, SLC8A2 and DACT3. In addition, ATF-126 and Maspin cDNA induction led to the re-activation of tumor suppressive miRNAs also expressed in neural cells, such as miR-1 and miR-34, and to the down-regulation of potential oncogenic miRNAs, such as miR-10b, miR-124, and miR-363. As expected from its over-representation in ER+ tumors, the ATF-126-gene signature predicted favorable prognosis for breast cancer patients. Our results describe for the first time an ATF able to reduce tumor growth and metastatic colonization by epigenetic reactivation of a dormant, normal-like, and more differentiated gene program. © 2011 Beltran et al.
artificial transcription factor 126, complementary DNA, doxycycline, estrogen receptor, maspin, microRNA, retrovirus vector, transcription factor, unclassified drug, estrogen receptor, serine proteinase inhibitor, SERPIN B5, SERPIN-B5, transcription BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Oscar Juárez (2019, [Artículo])
White bodies (WB), multilobulated soft tissue that wraps the optic tracts and optic lobes, have been considered the hematopoietic organ of the cephalopods. Its glandular appearance and its lobular morphology suggest that different parts of the WB may perform different functions, but a detailed functional analysis of the octopus WB is lacking. The aim of this study is to describe the transcriptomic profile of WB to better understand its functions, with emphasis on the difference between sexes during reproductive events. Then, validation via qPCR was performed using different tissues to find out tissue-specific transcripts. High differentiation in signaling pathways was observed in the comparison of female and male transcriptomic profiles. For instance, the expression of genes involved in the androgen receptor-signaling pathway were detected only in males, whereas estrogen receptor showed higher expression in females. Highly expressed genes in males enriched oxidation-reduction and apoptotic processes, which are related to the immune response. On the other hand, expression of genes involved in replicative senescence and the response to cortisol were only detected in females. Moreover, the transcripts with higher expression in females enriched a wide variety of signaling pathways mediated by molecules like neuropeptides, integrins, MAPKs and receptors like TNF and Toll-like. In addition, these putative neuropeptide transcripts, showed higher expression in females’ WB and were not detected in other analyzed tissues. These results suggest that the differentiation in signaling pathways in white bodies of O. maya influences the physiological dimorphism between females and males during the reproductive phase. © 2019 Juárez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
androgen receptor, integrin, mitogen activated protein kinase, neuropeptide, transcriptome, tumor necrosis factor, argonaute protein, corticotropin releasing factor receptor, corticotropin releasing factor receptor 2, DEAD box protein, estradiol 17be BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Carlos Alfonso Sierra García (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La fotocatálisis heterogénea es esencial para la degradación exitosa de contaminantes orgánicos en medios líquidos. Este proceso de oxidación avanzada se ha convertido en uno de los más interesantes para el tratamiento de aguas residuales, que contienen compuestos orgánicos nocivos para el medio ambiente, como los colorantes. En este trabajo se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica de zeolita MCM-22 pilareada con SiO2/TiO2 (también conocida como MCM-36) para la degradación de azul ácido 113, un colorante diazoico utilizado frecuentemente en la industria textil. Las zeolitas MCM-22 se sintetizaron mediante el método hidrotermal, sujetas al proceso de pilareado de SiO2/TiO2 en diferentes relaciones molares modificado con la asistencia de isopropanol junto a una impregnación húmeda de MnO2 (1 y 2%). Se confirmaron las estructuras mesoporosas de las zeolitas mediante los análisis de difracción de rayos X y fisisorción de N2. Los resultados de espectroscopía UV-Vis de reflectancia difusa indicaron la presencia de especies de óxidos de Ti y Mn. En microscopía electrónica de barrido las muestras se observaron de manera panorámica las muestras, mientras que en microscopia electrónica de transmisión se observó la dispersión de las nanopartículas de TiO2, donde se logró ver la distancia interplanar de estas identificando el plano (100) característico de la fase anatasa, así como la estructura laminar y mesoporosa de la MCM-22. Las cantidades de Ti y Mn introducidas a las muestras se obtuvieron mediante el análisis ICP-OES (espectrometría de emisión óptica de plasma de acoplamiento inductivo). Los resultados de degradación fotocatalítica mostraron que el fotocatalizador más activo fue MCM-36 0:1 consiguiendo un 79.64%, seguido del MCM-36 1:10 (42.70%), 1:5 (34.83%) y 1:3 (25.99%). Se observó que la actividad del TiO2 puede ser inhibida por la adición de MnO2, que envenena el catalizador, posiblemente dando lugar a la formación de una heterounión entre el TiO2 y MnO2, formando centros que aceleran la fotorecombinación.
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is essential for the successful degradation of organic contaminants in liquid media. This advanced oxidation process has become one of the most interesting for the treatment of wastewater containing organic compounds harmful to the environment, such as dyes. In this work, the photocatalytic activity of zeolite MCM-22 pillared with SiO2/TiO2 (also known as MCM36) was evaluated for the degradation of acid blue 113, a diazo dye frequently used in the textile industry. MCM-22 zeolites were synthesized by the hydrothermal method, using the SiO2/TiO2 pillaring process in different molar ratios, modified with the assistance of isopropanol together with a wet impregnation of MnO2 (1 and 2 %). The mesoporous structures of the zeolites were confirmed by Xray diffraction and N2 physisorption analyses. Diffuse reflectance UV-Vis spectroscopy results indicated the presence of Ti and Mn oxide species. With scanning electron microscopy, the samples were observed panoramically, while with transmission electron microscopy the dispersion of TiO2 nanoparticles was observed, where it was possible to see their interplanar distance, identifying the (100) plane, characteristic of the anatase phase, as well as the lamellar and mesoporous structure of MCM-22. The amounts of Ti and Mn introduced to the samples were obtained by ICP-OES (Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) analysis. The photocatalytic degradation results showed that the most active photocatalyst was MCM-36 0:1 achieving 79.64%, followed by MCM-36 1:10 (42.70%), 1:5 (34.83%) and 1:3 (25.99%). It was observed that the activity of TiO2 can be inhibited by the addition of MnO2, which poisons the catalyst, leading to the formation of a heterojunction between TiO2 and MnO2, forming centers that accelerate photorecombination.
MCM-22, zeolita, fotocatálisis, TiO2, azul ácido 113 MCM-22, zeolite, photocatalysis, TiO2, acid blue 113 INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS