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Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of Colombia from the perspective of food systems

Tek Sapkota (2023, [Documento de trabajo])

Food is a vital component of Colombia's economy. The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in the country is severe. The effects have resulted in decreased production and in the productivity of agricultural soil. Desertification processes are accelerating and intensifying. Colombia's government formally submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) on December 29, 2020. This paper examines Colombia's NDC from the standpoint of the food system.


Corrección de defectos óseos en el área de Ingeniería tisular

Correction of bone defects by tissue Engineering


Hoy en día, los defectos óseos representan uno de los casos de mayor impacto en la salud debido a la frecuencia con que éstos ocurren a causa de traumatismos, fracturas, enfermedades congénitas o degenerativas. En la actualidad, los implantes de tejido óseo de gran volumen se encuentran severamente restringidos a causa de las limitaciones de difusión en la interacción con el ambiente del huésped para los nutrientes, intercambio gaseoso y eliminación de desechos. Es por ello que la corrección de los defectos óseos ha cobrado gran importancia en el área de Ingeniería tisular buscando mejorar las estrategias clínicas para su tratamiento. El propósito de esta revisión es proporcionar un panorama general del desarrollo de andamios para la regeneración de tejido óseo, mostrando los avances logrados en los ensayos in vitro e in vivo en la última década

Currently, bone defects cases represent a major impact on health due to how often they occur because of trauma, fractures, congenital or degenerative diseases. Now, bone implants to large volume are severely restricted because of the diffusion limitations in the interaction

with the environment of the host for nutrients, gas exchange and waste disposal. That is why the correction of bone defects has become very important in the field of tissue engineering looking to improve clinical strategies for treatment. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the development of scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, showing the progress made in the in vitro and in vivo in recent decades.

MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Ingeniería tisular regeneración ósea Andamio Tissue engineering Bone regeneration Scaffolds

Transfers and land demand for housing: Evidence from a municipality in northwestern México

Nicolás Guadalupe Zúñiga Espinoza (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])

Objective: to analyze the destination of conditional transfers (TC) to finance public services on land managed for housing in a municipality in the Northwest of Mexico. Methodology: based on semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents and data consulted in Inegi, Coneval, Inafed, Municipal Governments of Guasave and State of Sinaloa, it was possible to develop this work for the period 2013 to June 2020. Results: the evidence indicates that of the 6.9-hectare surface managed for housing, 50 % of the lots are vacant and in only a part of them there are houses or unfinished constructions (17 %). It is more about an interest in fattening land and taking advantage of financing, with transfers, to introduce free public services such as electricity, water and drainage.

land policies land market transfers housing Políticas de suelo mercado de suelo transferencias vivienda Microeconomía Mercados de suelo CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA; HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA

“Mexico half way of making”: Carlos Chávez and the foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) (1945-1947)

Ana Garduño (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

I am focusing on the interaction between a cultural agent, Carlos Chávez, and the government elite, related to the circumstances of the enunciation of a public and official organism, INBA (The National Institute of Fine Arts), because I assume that political relations are fundamental to understand a process that endorsed the official culture as an appendage of politics. In spite of its relevance, this subject has not been studied. Based on archival documentation (at the National Archive of Mexico and the archive of INBA) I am examining the cultural policies derived from the foundation of INBA. Due to the current pandemic situation, it was not possible to consult other documental sources. I am formulating that the concept of “high culture” was at the core of a wider conflict between governmental interests and those of representative social actors, and I conclude that this obstacle would have conferred a major political and symbolical importance to the Institute, and consequently, would restrict its budget.

Carlos Chávez INBA Agentes culturales Políticas institucionales Centralización artística HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico (INBA), Cultural agents Institutional policies Artistic centralization

Ciudad Juarez from historical sketch of national migration policies

Luis Fernando Noyola Rojas Luis Manuel Lara Rodríguez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The context of migration in the Mexican case and its migration policies are analyzed here, taking the case of Ciudad Juarez as a node of movement and link of said policies; for this, the work is divided into four sections. A historical review of the way of how migration policies, through programs operated by different institutions and spheres of government, have worked through the manifestations of the domestic and international Mexican migration it is proposed. It also serves to contextualize and to understand how they are created and why the objectives they intend to meet are more orientated to immediate problems rather to recognize the complexity of migratory problems, in need of specific policies.

migración políticas migratorias Ciudad Juárez frontera migración interna CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES migration migration policies Ciudad Juarez border internal migration

Un Fantasma recorre el mundo: El fantasma de las privatizaciones. Balance del cambio y continuidad en las asociaciones publico-privadas bajo el gobierno de izquierda de México(2018-2021)


The purpose of this article is to analyze the politics around privatizations in the left-wing government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Amlo). The aim is to identify the ideational mark and the possible breaks or continuities of the infrastructure policy in a global context characterized by the promotion of the Public-Private Parnerships (ppps) -as a modality of the privatization of public goods and services-. It is argued that the ideas around the State in the current administration do not approve the participation of the private sector in the prison, and hospital sectors, freezing, to some extent, the privatization inertia promoted since the 1980s. We concluded that despite its open opposition, the Amlo government has had to use ppps in sectors such as road, energy infraestructure, and transport, due to budget restrictions that will be aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Amlo) public-private parnerships ideas partisian potilitics privatizations CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIA POLÍTICA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA OTRAS

El papel del juego en la domesticación de plantas


Cuando pensamos en la domesticación de plantas, es común que se nos venga a la mente especies que satisfacen las necesidades básicas del humano, como aquellas de uso alimenticio, medicinal y vestido; sin embargo, ¿Existen especies en donde el juego una actividad banal para muchas personasha sido parte de su domesticación? En este artículo revisamos este tema tan interesante usando información sobre las especies domesticadas de frijol (Phaseolus spp.) presentes en Sur América.


La expresión del inconsciente arquetípico a través del cuerpo bailado y esculpido en el teatro mitológico afrocubano de Eugenio Hernández Espinosa

Rosana Herrero-Martin (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

En este artículo se analizarán desde una perspectiva jungiana y holística una selección de momentos dancísticos y escultóricos en tres obras dramáticas del corpus teatral mitológico del autor cubano Eugenio Hernández Espinosa (María Antonia, 1967; Odebí, el cazador, 1980, y El Elegido, 1995), protagonizadas en los tres casos por diferentes orishas, nombre con el que se conocen popularmente en Cuba —concretamente en la tradición cultural y espiritual yoruba de la isla— a las manifestaciones antropomórficas, físicas, vivenciales y sobrenaturales de la divinidad. El paradigma de análisis aplicado es principalmente el del pensamiento integral de Ken Wilber, por el cual cuerpo-mente-psique-divinidad se conciben como un todo interconectado, integrado y resonador dentro del proceso de individualización de la persona, siendo el cuerpo el vehículo, el espejo, la palanca y la puerta de acceso, es decir, siendo el cuerpo el que refleja, activa y abre el resto de las dimensiones.

In this article, a selection of dance and sculptural moments in three dramatic works from the mythological theatrical corpus of Cuban author Eugenio Hernández Espinosa will be analyzed from a Jungian and holistic perspective (María Antonia, 1967; Odebí, the Hunter, 1980, and The Chosen, 1995). All three plays star a selection of Orishas, the name by which the anthropomorphic, physical, experiential and supernatural manifestations of divinity are popularly known in Cuba — specifically in the island’s Yoruba cultural and spiritual tradition. The analytical paradigm to be applied is mainly Ken Wilber’s integral thought, by which body-mind-psyche-divinity are conceived as an interconnected, integrated and resonating whole within the person’s individualization process, the body being the vehicle, the mirror, the lever and the access door, that is, the body being the one which reflects, activates and opens the rest of the dimensions.

Eugenio Hernández Espinosa, arquetipos, orishas, teatro mitológico. Archetypes, orisha, mythological theatre. Archetype (Psychology) in art. Dance--Psychological aspects. Body and mind. Orishas in art. Arquetipo (Psicología) en el arte. Danza. Mente y cuerpo. Orishas. Autores cubanos. PQ7390.H397 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES TEATRO