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Shopping centers at zmcm. The companies, location and production of a neoliberal urban space

Dante-Guillermo Celis-Galindo (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])

This work aims to analyze different aspects of shopping center at the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City as location, opening year and developer company. Also it will identify diverse characteristics, economic and political phases in the country as well as the role of the development companies and shopping centers as a producers of a neoliberal urban space. This paper presents the way shopping centers importance has growth and how it had become in a neoliberal city characteristic; with this the characteristics of these urban works are visualized and related with their construction companies and local governments which has caused the transformation of the city. After conducting a census, with more than two hundred shopping centers, the study was delimited to those with the greatest significance by size, location and developer. At the beginning of the paper, the characteristics that shopping malls should have for the realization of this work are mentioned. In a first section an approach is made to the theoretical elements of the city and the shopping center and therefore identifying the developers that most  nfluence this process; the second section addresses the characteristics of places by location and the characteristics that urban planners have depending on the area where they are; the third section discusses the years of opening, the squares and relates to government administrations and the economic characteristics of the country; and finally, a tour of the urban regulations in Mexico City and its latest modifications is made.

shopping center neoliberalism space urban space construction company centro comercial neoliberalismo espacio espacio urbano empresa constructora HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA

Voice communication module for automotive instrument panel indicators based on virtual assistant open-source solution - Mycroft AI

Módulo de comunicación de voz para indicadores de un panel de instrumentos automotriz basado en la solución de asistente virtual de código abierto - Mycroft AI


This work was originated from the increasing interest in several industries to implement voice based virtual assistant solutions powered by the Natural Language Processing field of study. This work is focused on the automotive industry Human Machine Interface related products, specifically the Instrument Panel. Nowadays people are constantly using virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana or Siri on their electronic devices. Furthermore, 31% of cars have a built-in virtual assistant, for example Ford uses Alexa, Merced­es-Benz and Hyundai use Google Assistant, BMW and Nissan use Cortana, GM uses IBM Watson, Honda uses Hana and Toyota uses YUI. Apart from the proprietary solutions described earlier, there are also contemporary open-source generic solutions available on the market, such as Mycroft AI which stands out from other technologies due to ready to deploy, well documented, simple installation on a Linux PC or RPI SoC, and simple execution. This paper presents a way to use Mycroft AI as an alternative to add artificial intelligence-based voice assistance to applications in the automotive domain. The voice communication module presented here drives notifications related to three different entities: seat belt, fuel level and battery level, all of them are telltales present in any automotive Instrument Panel. Since the Mycroft AI design approach is based on Human Centered Design (HCD), the voice communication module presented here provides real user experience (UX) based design. As a conclusion, Mycroft AI demonstrates great potential as an alternative to add voice assistance to automotive industry Human Machine Interface related products. About future work, due to the fact that Mycroft AI is based on Python, there are many possibilities for connecting and expanding the voice communication module by using countless Python libraries in order to import and process any type of information, in any format or source, for example the information from communication technologies like CAN, LIN, Ethernet, MOST, GPS or any other device or technology in order to create comprehensive automotive solutions.

Este trabajo se originó del creciente interés por parte de diferentes industrias para implementar soluciones de asistente virtual basado en voz impulsadas por el campo de estudio del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Este trabajo está enfocado en los productos relacionados a la Interfaz Humano Máquina de la industria automotriz, específicamente el Panel de Instrumentos. Hoy en día las personas usan constantemente asistentes virtuales como Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana o Siri en sus dispositivos electrónicos. Más aún, 31% de los autos tienen un asistente virtual integrado, por ejemplo, Ford usa Alexa, Mercedes-Benz y Hyundai usan Google Assistant, BMW y Nissan usan Cortana, GM usa IBM Watson, Honda usa Hana y Toyota usa YUI. Aparte de las soluciones de marca registrada descritas anteriormente, también hay soluciones genéricas de código abierto contemporáneas disponibles en el mercado, tales como Mycroft AI que se hace notar por sobre otras tecnologías por características como listo para usar, bien documentada, instalación simple en una PC Linux o RPI SoC, y una ejecución simple. Este artículo presenta una manera de usar Mycroft AI como una alternativa para agregar inteligencia artificial basada en asistencia de voz a aplicaciones en el dominio automotriz. El módulo de comunicación de voz presentado aquí maneja notificaciones relacionadas a tres diferentes entidades: cinturón de seguridad, nivel de gasolina y nivel de batería, todos ellos son indicadores virtuales presentes en cualquier Panel de Instrumentos Automotriz. Dado que el enfoque de diseño de Mycroft AI se basa en Diseño Centrado en el Human (HCD), el módulo de comunicación por voz presentado aquí provee un diseño basado en experiencia de usuario (UX) real. Como conclusión, Mycroft AI demuestra gran potencial como una alternativa para agregar asistencia de voz a los productos relacionados a Interfaz Humano Máquina de la industria automotriz. Acerca del trabajo a futuro, debido al hecho que Mycroft AI está basado en Python, existen muchas posibilidades para conectar y expandir el módulo de comunicación por voz a través del uso de innumerables bibliotecas de Python para importar y procesar cualquier tipo de información, en cualquier formato o fuente, por ejemplo la información proveniente de tecnologías de comunicación tales como CAN, LIN, Ethernet, MOST, GPS o cualquier otro dispositivo o tecnología para crear soluciones automotrices integrales.

Authorship acknowledgment. Ricardo Hernández Mejía: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Research, Resources, Original draft, Visualization, Project administration. Francisco Javier Ibarra Villegas: Review and Editing, Supervision, Project Administration. Cain Pérez Wences: Review and Editing.

Acknowledgment. To Posgrado CIATEQ A.C. due to the institutional support and guidance received to conclude this work in a professional and successful way. To Continental Automotive Occidente due to the sponsorship provided to perform the master’s degree along with Posgrado CIATEQ A.C. which made possible this work. To Dr. Francisco Javier Ibarra Villegas due to their guidance and support on the process to shape and concrete this work.

Instrument panel Virtual assistant Voice communication module Mycroft AI Human centered design User experience Panel de instrumentos Asistente virtual Módulo de comunicación por voz Diseño centrado en el humano Experiencia de usuario INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS