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Del transporte a la plaza. El desarrollo urbano en Azcapotzalco y la renovación del CETRAM El Rosario

Érick Serna Luna (2023, [Artículo])

Artículo número 4 de la Sección Artículos de investigación

Desde inicios del siglo XX, Azcapotzalco ha sido un referente del desarrollo industrial y económico en la Ciudad de México, donde el transporte es un aspecto clave de estas transformaciones. En las últimas dos décadas, el espacio de la zona noroeste de la alcaldía ha sido objeto de múltiples transformaciones urbanas, producto del cambio de actividades económicas. Una de las últimas transformaciones ha sido la renovación del Centro de Transferencia Modal (CETRAM) El Rosario. Este caso permite mostrar cómo se cruzan las políticas de desarrollo económico con las políticas del transporte, relación que se ha promovido como el último hito del progreso con la conversión de los paraderos en plazas comerciales. Con base en un análisis histórico y etnográfico de este CETRAM, el objetivo del trabajo es describir cómo se han transformado las dinámicassociales del transporte y el consumo en la zona. La premisa del trabajo es destacar que los ritmos del desarrollo urbano no van a la par del progreso de las dinámicas sociales en el espacio. Así, pese a que las renovaciones impactan en la morfología del espacio, no terminan por transformar las dinámicas sociales por completo. Un ejemplo, es la persistencia del comercio informal pese a la renovación que pretendía erradicarlo.

Movilidad, desarrollo urbano, renovación urbana. Mobility, Urban Development, Urban renewal. HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA URBANISMO

San Francisco Xocotitla: representación de un barrio inexplorado

Jorge Ernesto Gómez Sánchez MARCELA DAVALOS LOPEZ (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Departamento de Evaluación del Diseño en el Tiempo. Área de Estudios Urbanos.

Este trabajo refiere a la historia de San Francisco Xocotitla, un antiguo pueblo indígena, actualmente ubicado en la alcaldía Azcapotzalco, en la Ciudad de México. Su documentación remite a una de las dos parcialidades en que quedaron asentados los barrios de indios luego de la fundación novohispana de la Ciudad de México. San Francisco Xocotitla – también denominado San Francisco Xocotitlán o simplemente Xocotitla– ocupó un extremo de la parcialidad de Santiago Tlatelolco, al noroeste de la urbe. Su historia y transformaciones espaciales se vinculan al pasado de Azcapotzalco, una jurisdicción ampliamente investigada. Aunque escasos, los escritos y planos sobre esos poblados ignorados por la historia, añaden información sobre cómo se desenvolvieron ante los sucesivos reordenamientos urbanos. Esas imágenes invitan a reconocer distintas maneras de comprender aquel mundo.

Cartography--Mexico--Mexico City--History. Mexico City (Mexico)--Maps. Azcapotzalco (Mexico City, Mexico) City planning--Mexico--Mexico City--History. Urbanismo -- Ciudad de México. Cartografía -- Historia. HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA URBANISMO

The fate of rice crop residues and context-dependent greenhouse gas emissions: Model-based insights from Eastern India

Sonam Sherpa virender kumar Andrew Mcdonald (2024, [Artículo])

Crop residue burning is a common practice in many parts of the world that causes air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Regenerative practices that return residues to the soil offer a ‘no burn’ pathway for addressing air pollution while building soil organic carbon (SOC). Nevertheless, GHG emissions in rice-based agricultural systems are complex and difficult to anticipate, particularly in production contexts with highly variable hydrologic conditions. Here we predict long-term net GHG fluxes for four rice residue management strategies in the context of rice-wheat cropping systems in Eastern India: burning, soil incorporation, livestock fodder, and biochar. Estimations were based on a combination of Tier 1, 2, and 3 modelling approaches, including 100-year DNDC simulations across three representative soil hydrologic categories (i.e., dry, median, and wet). Overall, residue burning resulted in total direct GHG fluxes of 2.5, 6.1, and 8.7 Mg CO2-e in the dry, median, and wet hydrologic categories, respectively. Relative to emissions from burning (positive values indicate an increase) for the same dry to wet hydrologic categories, soil incorporation resulted in a −0.2, 1.8, or 3.1 Mg CO2-e change in emissions whereas use of residues for livestock fodder increased emissions by 2.0, 2.1, or 2.3 Mg CO2-e. Biochar reduced emissions relative to burning by 2.9 Mg CO2-e in all hydrologic categories. This study showed that the production environment has a controlling effect on methane and, therefore, net GHG balance. For example, wetter sites had 2.8–4.0 times greater CH4 emissions, on average, than dry sites when rice residues were returned to the soil. To effectively mitigate burning without undermining climate change mitigation goals, our results suggest that geographically-target approaches should be used in the rice-based systems of Eastern India to incentivize the adoption of regenerative ‘no burn’ residue management practices.


Enhancing maize yield in a conservation agriculture-based maize (Zea mays)- wheat (Triticum aestivum) system through efficient nitrogen management

C.M. Parihar Hari Sankar Nayak Dipaka Ranjan Sena Shankar Lal Jat Mahesh Gathala Upendra Singh (2023, [Artículo])

This study evaluated the impact of contrasting tillage and nitrogen management options on the growth, yield attributes, and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in a conservation agriculture (CA)-based maize-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system. The field experiment was conducted during the rainy (kharif) seasons of 2020 and 2021 at the research farm of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three tillage practices [conventional tillage with residue (CT), zero tillage with residue (ZT) and permanent beds with residue (PB)] as main plot treatments and in sub-plots five nitrogen management options [Control (without N fertilization), recommended dose of N @150 kg N/ha, Green Seeker-GS based application of split applied N, N applied as basal through urea super granules-USG + GS based application and 100% basal application of slow release fertilizer (SRF) @150 kg N/ha] with three replications. Results showed that both tillage and nitrogen management options had a significant impact on maize growth, yield attributes, and yield in both seasons. However, time to anthesis and physiological maturity were not significantly affected. Yield attributes were highest in the permanent beds and zero tillage plots, with similar numbers of grains per cob (486.1 and 468.6). The highest leaf area index (LAI) at 60 DAP was observed in PB (5.79), followed by ZT(5.68) and the lowest was recorded in CT (5.25) plots. The highest grain yield (2-year mean basis) was recorded with permanent beds plots (5516 kg/ha), while the lowest

was observed with conventional tillage (4931 kg/ha). Therefore, the study highlights the importance of CA practices for improving maize growth and yield, and suggests that farmers can achieve better results through the adoption of CA-based permanent beds and use of USG as nitrogen management option.


Mapas, territorios y narrativas urbanas

María Esther Sánchez Martínez MARCELA DAVALOS LOPEZ Maria del Carmen Bernardez de la Granja JUAN ANTONIO LAVIADA Martín Sánchez Rodriguez Luis Carlos Colon Llamas Anthony Picón Rodríguez Jorge Ernesto Gómez Sánchez Rodrigo O. Tirado (2023, [Libro])

Los mapas nunca se han dibujado solos. Desde Cipango hasta Santafé, pasando por la ciudad de México, la de Michoacán o barrios inadvertidos como Xocotitla, siempre han existido unos ojos para describir o medir los territorios. Entre las varas, millas, cartas de navegación, croquis o fuentes cartográficas no sólo hallamos distancias, sino también abismos culturales. En este libro los planos participan de una historia contextual: revelan tanto el horizonte cultural de quienes los elaboraron como de sus usuarios. Se muestran paisajes narrados, vividos y representados: desde las notas de Marco Polo a las rutas de Cristóbal Colón, hasta los proyectos futuristas irrealizados en Bogotá, pasando por la presencia de las trazas renacentistas en las urbes prehispánicas, la división por cuarteles o por el reparto de tierras comunales indígenas, todo nos invita aquí a compartir una apasionante reflexión sobre cómo se construye el pasado desde el mundo visual de los planos.

Mapas, territorios, urbano, cartografía, planos, croquis. Mexico--Historical geography. Mexico--Maps. City planning--Mexico--History. City planning--Mexico--Mexico City--History. Cartography--Mexico--Mexico City--History. Cartography--Mexico--Michoacán de Ocampo--History. Cartography--Colombia--History. City planning--Colombia--Bogotá. Urbanismo Cartografía Mapas. Cartografía -- Historia. F2175 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA URBANISMO CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOGRAFÍA CARTOGRAFÍA GEOGRÁFICA

Sustainable maize intensification through site-specific nutrient management advice: Experimental evidence from Nigeria

Miet Maertens Oyakhilomen Oyinbo Tahirou Abdoulaye Jordan Chamberlin (2023, [Artículo])

There is growing evidence on the impacts of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) from Asia. The evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where SSNM developments are more recent and where conditions concerning soil fertility and fertilizer use differ importantly from those in Asia, is extremely scarce. We evaluate a SSNM advisory tool that allows extension agents to generate fertilizer recommendations tailored to the specific situation of an individual farmer’s field, using a three-year randomized controlled trial with 792 smallholder farmers in the maize belt of northern Nigeria. Two treatment arms were implemented: T1 and T2 both provide SSNM information on nutrient use and management, but T2 provides additional information on maize price distributions and the associated variability of expected returns to fertilizer use. We estimate average and heterogenous intent-to-treat effects on agronomic, economic and environmental plot-level outcomes. We find that T1 and T2 lead to substantial increases (up to 116%) in the adoption of good fertilizer management practices and T2 leads to incremental increases (up to 18%) in nutrient application rates, yields and revenues. Both treatments improve low levels of nutrient use efficiency and reduce high levels of greenhouse gas emission intensity, after two years of treatment. Our findings underscore the possibility of a more gradual and sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture in SSA, as compared with the Asian Green Revolution, through increased fertilizer use accompanied by improved fertilizer management.


Agroecology can promote climate change adaptation outcomes without compromising yield in smallholder systems

Sieglinde Snapp Yodit Kebede Eva Wollenberg (2023, [Artículo])

A critical question is whether agroecology can promote climate change mitigation and adaptation outcomes without compromising food security. We assessed the outcomes of smallholder agricultural systems and practices in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) against 35 mitigation, adaptation, and yield indicators by reviewing 50 articles with 77 cases of agroecological treatments relative to a baseline of conventional practices. Crop yields were higher for 63% of cases reporting yields. Crop diversity, income diversity, net income, reduced income variability, nutrient regulation, and reduced pest infestation, indicators of adaptative capacity, were associated with 70% or more of cases. Limited information on climate change mitigation, such as greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration impacts, was available. Overall, the evidence indicates that use of organic nutrient sources, diversifying systems with legumes and integrated pest management lead to climate change adaptation in multiple contexts. Landscape mosaics, biological control (e.g., enhancement of beneficial organisms) and field sanitation measures do not yet have sufficient evidence based on this review. Widespread adoption of agroecological practices and system transformations shows promise to contribute to climate change services and food security in LMICs. Gaps in adaptation and mitigation strategies and areas for policy and research interventions are finally discussed.