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Environmental Nanoparticles Reach Human Fetal Brains

LILIAN OFELIA CALDERON GARCIDUEÑAS ANGEL AUGUSTO PEREZ CALATAYUD ANGELICA GONZALEZ MACIEL RAFAEL REYNOSO ROBLES Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra Andrea Ramos Morales RICARDO TORRES JARDON Candelario de Jesús Soberanes Cerino Raúl Carrillo Esper JESÚS CARLOS BRIONES GARDUÑO Yazmin del Socorro Conde Gutiérrez (2022, [Artículo])

"Anthropogenic ultrafine particulate matter (UFPM) and industrial and natural nanoparticles (NPs) are ubiquitous. Normal term, preeclamptic, and postconceptional weeks(PCW) 8–15 human placentas and brains from polluted Mexican cities were analyzed by TEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. We documented NPs in maternal erythrocytes, early syncytiotrophoblast, Hofbauer cells, and fetal endothelium (ECs). Fetal ECs exhibited caveolar NP activity and widespread erythroblast contact. Brain ECs displayed micropodial extensions reaching luminal NP-loaded erythroblasts. Neurons and primitive glia displayed nuclear, organelle, and cytoplasmic NPs in both singles and conglomerates. Nanoscale Fe, Ti, and Al alloys, Hg, Cu, Ca, Sn, and Si were detected in placentas and fetal brains. Preeclamptic fetal blood NP vesicles are prospective neonate UFPM exposure biomarkers. NPs are reaching brain tissues at the early developmental PCW 8–15 stage, and NPs in maternal and fetal placental tissue compartments strongly suggests the placental barrier is not limiting the access of environmental NPs. Erythroblasts are the main early NP carriers to fetal tissues. The passage of UFPM/NPs from mothers to fetuses is documented and fingerprinting placental single particle composition could be useful for postnatal risk assessments. Fetal brain combustion and industrial NPs raise medical concerns about prenatal and postnatal health, including neurological and neurodegenerative lifelong consequences."

Environmental medicine Placental impairment Neurodevelopmental disorders Fetal brains Erythroblasts Preeclampsia Nanoparticles NPs extracellular vesicles Petrochemical pollution Villahermosa Tabasco BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA

Economics of crop residue management

Vijesh Krishna Maxwell Mkondiwa (2023, [Artículo])

More than five billion metric tons of agricultural residues are produced annually worldwide. Despite having multiple uses and significant potential to augment crop and livestock production, a large share of crop residues is burned, especially in Asian countries. This unsustainable practice causes tremendous air pollution and health hazards while restricting soil nutrient recycling. In this review, we examine the economic rationale for unsustainable residue management. The sustainability of residue utilization is determined by several economic factors, such as local demand for and quantity of residue production, development and dissemination of technologies to absorb excess residue, and market and policy instruments to internalize the social costs of residue burning. The intervention strategy to ensure sustainable residue management depends on public awareness of the private and societal costs of open residue burning.


The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa

Gatien Falconnier Marc Corbeels Frédéric Baudron Antoine Couëdel leonard rusinamhodzi bernard vanlauwe Ken Giller (2023, [Artículo])

Can farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) boost crop yields and improve food availability without using more mineral fertilizer? This question has been at the center of lively debates among the civil society, policy-makers, and in academic editorials. Proponents of the “yes” answer have put forward the “input reduction” principle of agroecology, i.e. by relying on agrobiodiversity, recycling and better efficiency, agroecological practices such as the use of legumes and manure can increase crop productivity without the need for more mineral fertilizer. We reviewed decades of scientific literature on nutrient balances in SSA, biological nitrogen fixation of tropical legumes, manure production and use in smallholder farming systems, and the environmental impact of mineral fertilizer. Our analyses show that more mineral fertilizer is needed in SSA for five reasons: (i) the starting point in SSA is that agricultural production is “agroecological” by default, that is, very low mineral fertilizer use, widespread mixed crop-livestock systems and large crop diversity including legumes, but leading to poor soil fertility as a result of widespread soil nutrient mining, (ii) the nitrogen needs of crops cannot be adequately met solely through biological nitrogen fixation by legumes and recycling of animal manure, (iii) other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium need to be replaced continuously, (iv) mineral fertilizers, if used appropriately, cause little harm to the environment, and (v) reducing the use of mineral fertilizers would hamper productivity gains and contribute indirectly to agricultural expansion and to deforestation. Yet, the agroecological principles directly related to soil fertility—recycling, efficiency, diversity—remain key in improving soil health and nutrient-use efficiency, and are critical to sustaining crop productivity in the long run. We argue for a nuanced position that acknowledges the critical need for more mineral fertilizers in SSA, in combination with the use of agroecological practices and adequate policy support.


Factores que contribuyen al consumo de ultraprocesados en los hogares vulnerables con jefatura femenina de Cuautla, Morelos

MÓNICA VÁZQUEZ ARELLANO (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar cuáles son los principales factores que contribuyen a promover el consumo de alimentos y bebidas ultraprocesadas (AYBUPs) en hogares vulnerables con jefatura femenina. Para tal fin, se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo basado en el estudio de caso. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron la entrevista semiestructurada y la observación. La investigación se realizó en el municipio de Cuautla. Se examinaron tres factores que inciden en las

elecciones alimentarias de las jefas de familia, a saber: sociodemográficos, económicos y socioculturales. Los resultados indican que la población entrevistada vive en zona de pobreza y marginación social, los problemas principales son la escasez de agua y vivienda adecuada. La mayoría tienen empleos en el sector informal y no cuentan prestaciones sociales. El ingreso familiar está conformado por varias personas, sin embargo, la sobrecarga de trabajo recae principalmente sobre la jefa de familia. Todas las familias presentan miembros con enfermedades crónicas. Su principal criterio de compra es que los alimentos sean baratos. Los ultraprocesados han penetrado en el ámbito de la cultural alimentaria pues su consumo acontece tanto en lo cotidiano como el festivo. La alimentación de estas familias no se centra en los alimentos ultraprocesados aunque algunos se consumen cotidianamente. Además, se observa una tendencia a su incremento pues las mujeres han ido sustituyendo ingredientes o alimentos caseros por el uso de ultraprocesados, este fenómeno se exacerbó en el periodo del confinamiento. Se concluye que los hogares liderados por mujeres son más vulnerables a la compra de alimentos ultraprocesados pues habitan ambientes alimentarios en los que predominan estos alimentos que son de fácil preparación, baratos y que tienen al alcance, este fenómeno puede ser interpretado como un indicador de que en esos hogares se padecen inseguridad alimentaria.

CIENCIAS SOCIALES SOCIOLOGÍA alimentos ultraprocesados, seguridad alimentaria, mujeres trabajadoras, alimentación en el contexto urbano, determinantes sociales de la salud.