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Maize seed aid and seed systems development: Opportunities for synergies in Uganda

Jason Donovan Rachel Voss Pieter Rutsaert (2024, [Artículo])

In the name of food security, governments and NGOs purchase large volumes of maize seed in non-relief situations to provide at reduced or no cost to producers. At the same time, efforts to build formal maize seed systems have been frustrated by slow turnover rates – the dominance of older seed products in the market over newer, higher performing ones. Under certain conditions, governments and NGO seed aid purchases can support formal seed systems development in three ways: i) support increased producer awareness of new products, ii) support local private seed industry development, and iii) advance equity goals by targeting aid to the most vulnerable of producers who lack the capacity to purchase seeds. This study explores the objectives and activities of seed aid programmes in Uganda and their interactions with the maize seed sector. We draw insights from interviews with representatives of seed companies, NGOs and government agencies, as well as focus group discussions with producers. The findings indicated that seed aid programme objectives are largely disconnected from broader seed systems development goals. There is little evidence of public-private collaboration in design of these programmes. Better designed programs have the potential to align with varietal turnover objectives, commercial sector development and targeting of underserved markets could promote equity and ‘crowd in’ demand.


Genome-wide association analyses of agronomic traits and Striga hermonthica resistance in pearl millet

Hussein Shimelis Chris Ojiewo Abhishek Rathore (2023, [Artículo])

Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) is a nutrient-dense, relatively drought-tolerant cereal crop cultivated in dry regions worldwide. The crop is under-researched, and its grain yield is low (< 0.8 tons ha−1) and stagnant in the major production regions, including Burkina Faso. The low productivity of pearl millet is mainly attributable to a lack of improved varieties, Striga hermonthica [Sh] infestation, downy mildew infection, and recurrent heat and drought stress. Developing high-yielding and Striga-resistant pearl millet varieties that satisfy the farmers’ and market needs requires the identification of yield-promoting genes linked to economic traits to facilitate marker-assisted selection and gene pyramiding. The objective of this study was to undertake genome-wide association analyses of agronomic traits and Sh resistance among 150 pearl millet genotypes to identify genetic markers for marker-assisted breeding and trait introgression. The pearl millet genotypes were phenotyped in Sh hotspot fields and screen house conditions. Twenty-nine million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) initially generated from 345 pearl millet genotypes were filtered, and 256 K SNPs were selected and used in the present study. Phenotypic data were collected on days to flowering, plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, panicle weight, thousand-grain weight, grain weight, number of emerged Striga and area under the Striga number progress curve (ASNPC). Agronomic and Sh parameters were subjected to combined analysis of variance, while genome-wide association analysis was performed on phenotypic and SNPs data. Significant differences (P < 0.001) were detected among the assessed pearl millet genotypes for Sh parameters and agronomic traits. Further, there were significant genotype by Sh interaction for the number of Sh and ASNPC. Twenty-eight SNPs were significantly associated with a low number of emerged Sh located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. Four SNPs were associated with days-to-50%-flowering on chromosomes 3, 5, 6, and 7, while five were associated with panicle length on chromosomes 2, 3, and 4. Seven SNPs were linked to thousand-grain weight on chromosomes 2, 3, and 6. The putative SNP markers associated with a low number of emerged Sh and agronomic traits in the assessed genotypes are valuable genomic resources for accelerated breeding and variety deployment of pearl millet with Sh resistance and farmer- and market-preferred agronomic traits.


Variación espacio-temporal de la evapotranspiración de referencia a partir de métodos empíricos en Chihuahua, México

Spatio-temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration from empirical methods in Chihuahua, Mexico


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5154/r.inagbi.2021.02.035

La evapotranspiración es clave en la gestión de zonas agrícolas áridas. En Chihuahua, México, el volumen de agua de riego se asigna a partir de la evapotranspiración de referencia (ETo) calculada con métodos empíricos y extrapolada a la superficie agrícola, lo que es inexacto. La alternativa es calcular la variabilidad de la ETo mediante interpolación espacial. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la variabilidad espacio-temporal de ETo a partir de métodos empíricos e interpolación espacial en Chihuahua. Para ello, se utilizaron registros de 33 estaciones meteorológicas del periodo 1960-2013 y siete métodos de estimación de la ETo. Los resultados se compararon con el método Penman-Monteith, modificado por la FAO (PMMF), mediante un análisis ANOVA (P ≤ 0.05), y se elaboraron superficies homogéneas de la ETo a partir de los valores puntuales mediante interpolación espacial. Los resultados mostraron que el método Hargreaves (R2 = 0.91, CME = 1.16 y EM = -0.69 mm·día-1) presentó un menor sesgo respecto a PMMF. Los valores de ETo oscilaron de 2.5 a 7.1 mm·día-1 en dirección oeste-este, con valores máximos en zonas bajas y mínimos en altas, lo que mostró la influencia de la sierra madre occidental en la ETo. Dicha característica resaltó en los meses cálidos (junio a septiembre). A pesar de que el uso de datos estimados requiere validación en campo, se concluye que el método Hargreaves permite estimar la variabilidad espacio-temporal de la ETo en grandes extensiones y zonas con información meteorológica limitada.

Evapotranspiración Riego Cálculo de variaciones Zona árida CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA