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Selecciona los temas de tu interés y recibe en tu correo las publicaciones más actuales
Olivia Fragoso-Susunaga (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
En el 2015, las Naciones Unidas proponen una serie de objetivos dirigidos a convocar a los habitantes del mundo a realizar acciones orientadas a acabar con la pobreza, mejorar las condiciones del planeta y lograr que, para el 2030, todas las personas puedan gozar de paz y bienestar. A estos objetivos se les conoce como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). La educación superior juega un papel fundamental en el logro de los ODS. La UAM y, en el caso que nos compete, el CyAD están llamados a colaborar en esta tarea que nos involucra a todos y todas quienes formamos la comunidad universitaria. Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la importancia que tiene la formación en activismo artístico en la educación del diseño para el logro de los ODS. Se propone que enfatizar el vínculo entre el diseño y el activismo artístico es parte de un escenario futuro indiscutiblemente necesario en el currículo de licenciatura en el CyAD.
In 2015, the United Nations proposed a series of goals aimed at calling on the world’s inhabitants to take action to end poverty, improve the conditions of the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people can enjoy peace and well-being. These goals are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education plays a fundamental role in the achievement of the SDGs, the UAM and, in the case that concerns us, the CyAD are called to collaborate in this task that involves all of us who form the university community. This work is a reflection on the importance of training in artistic activism in design education for the achievement of the SDGs. It is proposed that emphasizing the link between design and art activism is part of an indisputably necessary future scenario in the undergraduate curriculum at CyAD.
Activismo artístico, educación del diseño, cultura. Artistic activism, design education, culture. Sustainable Development Goals. Art and social action. Education, Higher--Social aspects. Educational change. Artists--Political activity. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Desarrollo sustentable. Participación social. Cambio educativo. NX180.P64 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS
Propuesta paisajística integral para la UAM, Unidad Azcapotzalco
Cynthia García Marín (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
315 páginas. Maestría en Diseño, Planificación y Conservación de Paisajes y Jardines.
En México, la educación superior comienza en 1521 cuando la universidad se crea como institución educativa, inaugurando en 1553 La Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. En 1910 se funda la Universidad Nacional de México y en 1954 fue inaugurada la Ciudad Universitaria de la UNAM, esta fecha representa un hito en la historia de los espacios físicos de las universidades mexicanas. Debido a la demanda de educación superior y al movimiento estudiantil de 1968, se concibe la idea de crear una nueva universidad en la ZONA METROPOLITANA de la Ciudad de México, la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana con sus Unidades al norte, al oriente y al sur, posteriormente se abrieron 2 Unidades más. Cada una de estas Unidades funciona de manera independiente, teniendo sus propios órganos de decisión, lo que se refleja en la planta física de conjunto. Es al norte de la ciudad donde surge la Unidad Azcapotzalco, que con el paso de los años se ha ido conformando de acuerdo a sus necesidades inmediatas tratando de seguir el proyecto inicial, sin embargo, debido a los ajustes en sus diferentes intervenciones arquitectónicas, se ha propiciado una falta de integración entre el espacio arquitectónico y el espacio abierto impactando directamente en el paisaje y en la pérdida gradual de identidad de la Unidad. Este trabajo reúne la información que describe la conformación del paisaje en la Unidad a lo largo de casi 50 años, en donde se analizan los componentes del paisaje en sus diferentes sistemas; ecológico-conformación medioambiental, sociocultural-conformación de la estructura urbana, polisensorial-conformación a través de los sentidos y su contexto histórico-conformación a través del tiempo. Esta identificación, permite realizar el análisis detallado de los factores que intervienen directa e indirectamente en el estado actual del paisaje de la Unidad, con este diagnóstico se elabora una síntesis creativa que especifica las limitaciones y potencialidades que afectan la conformación del espacio abierto. A partir de esto se elaboró un plan maestro, que integra las principales líneas de acción, estructuradas en ejes de diseño que tienen como propósito ordenar y facilitar la programación para mejorar las condiciones actuales por medio de acciones específicas que contribuyan al mejoramiento, conservación y creación de un paisaje que se integre en su conjunto y permita a la UAM-Azcapotzalco ser revalorizada como un sitio con identidad y con valores históricos, sociales, estéticos, biológicos y paisajísticos.
In Mexico, higher education began in 1521 when the university was created as an educational institution, inaugurating in 1553 La Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. The National University of Mexico was founded in 1910 and the UNAM University City was inaugurated in 1954, this date represents a milestone in the history of the physical spaces of Mexican universities. Due to the demand for higher education and the student movement of 1968, the idea of creating a new university in the METROPOLITAN ZONE of Mexico City was conceived, the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana with its Units to the north, east and south, later 2 more Units were opened. Each one of these Units works independently, having its own decision-making bodies, which is reflected in the physical plant as a whole. It is to the north of the city where the Azcapotzalco Unit arises, which over the years has had to conform according to its immediate needs trying to follow the initial project, however, due to adjustments in its different architectural interventions, a lack of integration between the architectural space and the open space has been fostered, directly impacting the landscape and the gradual loss of identity of the Unit. This work gathers the information that describes the conformation of the landscape in the Unit over almost 50 years, where the components of the landscape in its different systems are analyzed; ecological-environmental conformation, sociocultural-conformation of the urban structure, polysensory-conformation through the senses and its historical context-conformation through time. This identification allows a detailed analysis of the factors that intervene directly and indirectly in the current state of the landscape of the Unit, with this diagnosis a creative synthesis is elaborated that specifies the limitations and potentialities that affect the conformation of the open space. Based on this, a master plan was prepared, which integrates the main lines of action, structured into design axes whose purpose is to order and facilitate programming to improve current conditions through specific actions that contribute to the improvement, conservation and creation of a landscape that is integrated as a whole and allows the UAM-Azcapotzalco to be revalued as a site with identity and with historical, social, aesthetic, biological and landscape values.
Paisaje, universidad, conformación, diagnóstico, lineamientos, identidad, integrar, revalorizar, plan maestro, propuesta. Landscape, university, conformation, diagnosis, guidelines, identity, integrate, revalue, master plan, proposal. Landscape design. Landscape assessment. Landscape changes. Landscapes--Social aspects. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Diseño de paisajes. Evaluación del paisaje. Cambios de paisaje. SB472.45 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA JARDINES Y PARQUES
User manual: How to use Agvisely to generate climate service advisories for livestock in Bangladesh
T.S Amjath-Babu Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Libro])
The Agvisely digital service for livestock integrates location-specific meteorological forecasts generated by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) with species specific biological thresholds for weather variables (Temperature, rainfall, and temperature-humidity index (THI). When a biological threshold is to be breached in next five days' forecast, the system automatically generates location-specific management advice for livestock farmers. Advisories are based on a decision tree developed by the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) and CIMMYT. Agvisely is a smart phone app and web-based service developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) CIMMYT with the support of USAID, securing the Food Systems of Asian Mega- Deltas (AMD) for Climate and Livelihood Resilience and the Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) initiatives in collaboration with Bangladesh Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE) and Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD).
Educación del diseño en el futuro. Híbrida, sustentable y especializada
Rubén Sahagún Angulo (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
Las disciplinas del Diseño, como otras, sobre todo en escuelas de las grandes ciudades, deberán ofertar sus carreras a distancia para reducir significativamente los problemas asociados a la movilidad y la segregación socioespacial de sus estudiantes. También deberán revisar sus planes de estudio para verter los temas de la sustentabilidad de manera transversal. Finalmente, las especialidades serán una vía para que los profesionales del Diseño regresen a la Universidad a prepararse, en lugar de ofrecer únicamente maestrías y doctorados que, en su mayoría, son cursados por profesores o investigadores.
Design disciplines, like others, especially in schools in large cities, should offer their degrees online to significantly reduce the problems associated with mobility and socio-spatial segregation of their students. Also, they should review their study plans to cover sustainability issues in a transversal way. Finally, the specialties will be a way for design professionals to return to the University to prepare, instead of only offering master’s and doctoral degrees, which are mostly taken by professors or researchers.
Educación, diseño, híbrida, sustentable y especializada. Education, design, hybrid, sustainable and specialized. Design--Study and teaching, Higher. Sustainable design. Educational change. Distance education. Artes gráficas. Diseño sustentable. Cambio educativo. Educación a Distancia. NK1170 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES
Calibrated multi-model ensemble seasonal prediction of Bangladesh summer monsoon rainfall
Nachiketa Acharya Carlo Montes Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Artículo])
Bangladesh summer monsoon rainfall (BSMR), typically from June through September (JJAS), represents the main source of water for multiple sectors. However, its high spatial and interannual variability makes the seasonal prediction of BSMR crucial for building resilience to natural disasters and for food security in a climate-risk-prone country. This study describes the development and implementation of an objective system for the seasonal forecasting of BSMR, recently adopted by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD). The approach is based on the use of a calibrated multi-model ensemble (CMME) of seven state-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) from the North American Multi-Model Ensemble project. The lead-1 (initial conditions of May for forecasting JJAS total rainfall) hindcasts (spanning 1982–2010) and forecasts (spanning 2011–2018) of seasonal total rainfall for the JJAS season from these seven GCMs were used. A canonical correlation analysis (CCA) regression is used to calibrate the raw GCMs outputs against observations, which are then combined with equal weight to generate final CMME predictions. Results show, compared to individual calibrated GCMs and uncalibrated MME, that the CCA-based calibration generates significant improvements over individual raw GCM in terms of the magnitude of systematic errors, Spearman's correlation coefficients, and generalised discrimination scores over most of Bangladesh areas, especially in the northern part of the country. Since October 2019, the BMD has been issuing real-time seasonal rainfall forecasts using this new forecast system.
Ajay Kumar Mishra ML JAT (2022, [Artículo])
Understanding the farmer's perspective has traditionally been critical to influencing the adoption and out-scaling of CA-based climate-resilient practices. The objective of this study was to investigate the biophysical, socio-economic, and technical constraints in the adoption of CA by farmers in the Western- and Eastern-IGP, i.e., Karnal, Haryana, and Samastipur, Bihar, respectively. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was administered to 50 households practicing CA in Western- and Eastern-IGP. Smallholder farmers (<2 ha of landholding) in Karnal are 10% and Samastipur 66%. About 46% and 8% of households test soil periodically in Karnal and Samastipur, respectively. Results of PCA suggest economic profitability and soil health as core components from the farmer's motivational perspective in Karnal and Samastipur, respectively. Promotion and scaling up of CA technologies should be targeted per site-specific requirements, emphasizing biophysical resource availability, socio-economic constraints, and future impacts of such technology.
Frédéric Baudron Ken Giller (2022, [Artículo])
Peerzadi Rumana Hossain T.S Amjath-Babu Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Artículo])
Very little research has focused on climate impacts on aquaculture and the potential of climate information services (CIS) for aquaculture to support sustainable development goals 2030 (SDGs)1. This study represents an effort to bridge this gap by conducting a first ex-ante economic evaluation of CIS for aquaculture in Bangladesh by semi-automating the extraction of data on climate-induced fish losses during 2011 to 2021 from popular online newspaper articles and corroborating them with available government and satellite datasets. During this period, Bangladesh faced an estimated loss of around 140 million USD for hatcheries, open water fish and shrimp. When validated with a year of country-wide official data on climate-induced economic losses to aquaculture, the damage reported from these media sources is approximately 10 percent of actual losses. Given this rule of thumb, the potential economic value of aquacultural CIS could be up to USD14 million a year, if 10 percent of the damage can be offset by appropriate services through a range of multi-sector efforts to establish and extend these services to farmers at scale.
Diseño y evaluación bioclimática para Museo del Agua en el municipio de Tecámac, Estado de México
Luis Roberto Gómez Luna (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])
155 páginas. Especialización en Diseño Ambiental.
El propósito de ésta idónea comunicación de resultados (ICR) es compartir la metodología aplicada para la aplicación de diseño bioclimático desde el diseño de un proyecto nuevo además de aplicarla en un museo para el organismo público descentralizado para la prestación de los servicios de agua potable, alcantarillado y saneamiento (ODAPAS) con la temática del agua desde su tratamiento, usos, historia, y la parte que conforman en la cultura de Tecámac. Se explica a detalle las estrategias aplicadas para lograr el confort acústico, lumínico, térmico, y de ventilación, especificando la metodología del diseño bioclimático aplicada, así como los resultados de estas.
Museum architecture. Museum buildings. Architecture and climate. Water conservation. Visual education. Arquitectura de museos. Edificios de museos. Conservación del agua. Educación visual. Arquitectura y clima. NA6690 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA DISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO
madhu choudhary ML JAT Parbodh Chander Sharma (2022, [Artículo])
Fungal communities in agricultural soils are assumed to be affected by climate, weather, and anthropogenic activities, and magnitude of their effect depends on the agricultural activities. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the impact of the portfolio of management practices on fungal communities and soil physical–chemical properties. The study comprised different climate-smart agriculture (CSA)-based management scenarios (Sc) established on the principles of conservation agriculture (CA), namely, ScI is conventional tillage-based rice–wheat rotation, ScII is partial CA-based rice–wheat–mungbean, ScIII is partial CSA-based rice–wheat–mungbean, ScIV is partial CSA-based maize–wheat–mungbean, and ScV and ScVI are CSA-based scenarios and similar to ScIII and ScIV, respectively, except for fertigation method. All the scenarios were flood irrigated except the ScV and ScVI where water and nitrogen were given through subsurface drip irrigation. Soils of these scenarios were collected from 0 to 15 cm depth and analyzed by Illumina paired-end sequencing of Internal Transcribed Spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) for the study of fungal community composition. Analysis of 5 million processed sequences showed a higher Shannon diversity index of 1.47 times and a Simpson index of 1.12 times in maize-based CSA scenarios (ScIV and ScVI) compared with rice-based CSA scenarios (ScIII and ScV). Seven phyla were present in all the scenarios, where Ascomycota was the most abundant phyla and it was followed by Basidiomycota and Zygomycota. Ascomycota was found more abundant in rice-based CSA scenarios as compared to maize-based CSA scenarios. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen were found to be 1.62 and 1.25 times higher in CSA scenarios compared with other scenarios. Bulk density was found highest in farmers' practice (Sc1); however, mean weight diameter and water-stable aggregates were found lowest in ScI. Soil physical, chemical, and biological properties were found better under CSA-based practices, which also increased the wheat grain yield by 12.5% and system yield by 18.8%. These results indicate that bundling/layering of smart agricultural practices over farmers' practices has tremendous effects on soil properties, and hence play an important role in sustaining soil quality/health.