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Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillations
Pinniped vibrissae provide information on changes in diet at seasonal and annual scales; however, species-specific growth patterns must first be determined in order to interpret these data. In this study, a simple linear model was used to estimate the growth rate of vibrissae from adult female California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) from San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The δ15N and δ13C values do not display a marked oscillatory pattern that would permit direct determination of the time period contained in each vibrissa; thus, time (age) was calculated in two ways: 1) based on the correlation between the observed number of peaks (Fourier series) in the δ15N profile and the length of each vibrissa, and 2) through direct comparison with the observed number of peaks in the δ15N profile. Cross-correlation confirmed that the two peaks in the δ15N profile reflected the two peaks in the chlorophyll-a concentration recorded annually around the island. The mean growth rate obtained from the correlation was 0.08 ± 0.01 mm d-1, while that calculated based on the observed number of peaks was 0.10 ± 0.05 mm d-1. Both are consistent with the rates reported for adult females of other otariid species (0.07 to 0.11 mm d-1). Vibrissa growth rates vary by individual, age, sex, and species; moreover, small differences in the growth rate can result in significant differences over the time periods represented by the isotopic signal. Thus, it is important to assess this parameter on a species-by-species basis. © 2018 Rosas-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
carbon, nitrogen, animal, California, chemistry, diet, female, island (geological), Mexico, Otariidae, physiology, Animals, California, Carbon Isotopes, Diet, Female, Islands, Mexico, Nitrogen Isotopes, Sea Lions BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA INMUNOLOGÍA INMUNOLOGÍA
OMAR VALENCIA MENDEZ (2018, [Artículo])
Gobies are the most diverse marine fish family. Here, we analysed the gamma-diversity (γ-diversity) partitioning of gobiid fishes to evaluate the additive and multiplicative components of α and β-diversity, species replacement and species loss and gain, at four spatial scales: sample units, ecoregions, provinces and realms. The richness of gobies from the realm Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is represented by 87 species. Along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients, we found that the γ-diversity is explained by the β-diversity at both spatial scales, ecoregions and provinces. At the ecoregion scale, species are diverse in the north (Cortezian ecoregion) and south (Panama Bight ecoregion) and between insular and coastal ecoregions. At the province scale, we found that the species turnover between the warm temperate Northeast Pacific (WTNP), Tropical East Pacific (TEaP) and the Galapagos Islands (Gala) was high, and the species nestedness was low. At the ecoregion scale, historical factors, and phylogenetic factors have influenced the hotspots of gobiid fish biodiversity, particularly in the Cortezian, Panama Bight and Cocos Island ecoregions, where species turnover is high across both latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. At the provincial level, we found that the contributions of the β-diversity from north to south, in the WTNP, TEaP and Gala were high, as result of the high number of unique species. Species turnover was also high at this scale, with a low contribution from species nestedness that was probably due to the low species/gene flow within the provinces. These results highlight the importance and successful inclusion of a cryptobenthic fish component in ecological and biogeographical studies. © 2018 Valencia-Méndez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Article, biodiversity, biogeographic region, biogeography, gene flow, goby fish, nonhuman, phylogeny, species distribution, species diversity, taxonomic identification, teleost, animal, animal dispersal, fish, Pacific Ocean, phylogeography, Animal Di CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE
DANIEL BADILLO ZAPATA (2014, [Artículo])
This is second part from an experiment where the nitrogen retention of poultry by-product meal (PBM) compared to fishmeal (FM) was evaluated using traditional indices. Here a quantitative method using stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ15N values) as natural tracers of nitrogen incorporation into fish biomass is assessed. Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed for 80 days on isotopically distinct diets in which 0, 33, 66 and 100% of FM as main protein source was replaced by PBM. The diets were isonitrogenous, isolipidic and similar in gross energy content. Fish in all treatments reached isotopic equilibrium by the end of the experiment. Two-source isotope mixing models that incorporated the isotopic composition of FM and PBM as well as that of formulated feeds, empirically derived trophic discrimination factors and the isotopic composition of fish that had reached isotopic equilibrium to the diets were used to obtain a quantitative estimate of the retention of each source of nitrogen. Fish fed the diets with 33 and 66% replacement of FM by PBM retained poultry by-product meal roughly in proportion to its level of inclusion in the diets, whereas no differences were detected in the protein efficiency ratio. Coupled with the similar biomass gain of fishes fed the different diets, our results support the inclusion of PBM as replacement for fishmeal in aquaculture feeds. A re-feeding experiment in which all fish were fed a diet of 100% FM for 28 days indicated isotopic turnover occurred very fast, providing further support for the potential of isotopic ratios as tracers of the retention of specific protein sources into fish tissues. Stable isotope analysis is a useful tool for studies that seek to obtain quantitative estimates of the retention of different protein sources. © 2014 Badillo et al.
nitrogen 15, nitrogen, protein intake, animal behavior, animal experiment, animal food, animal tissue, aquaculture, Article, biomass, controlled study, energy metabolism, food composition, juvenile animal, nonhuman, poultry by product meal, protein a CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA
Trophic ecology of Mexican Pacific harbor seal colonies using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes
There is limited information that provides a comprehensive understanding of the trophic ecology of Mexican Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) colonies. While scat analysis has been used to determine the diet of some colonies, the integrative characterization of its feeding habits on broader temporal and spatial scales remains limited. We examined potential feeding grounds, trophic niche width, and overlap, and inferred the degree of dietary specialization using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in this subspecies. We analyzed δ13C and δ15N on fur samples from pups collected at five sites along the western coast of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Fur of natal coat of Pacific harbor seal pups begins to grow during the seventh month in utero until the last stage of gestation. Therefore pup fur is a good proxy for the mother's feeding habits in winter (∼December to March), based on the timing of gestation for the subspecies in this region. Our results indicated that the δ13C and δ15N values differed significantly among sampling sites, with the highest mean δ15N value occurring at the southernmost site, reflecting a well-characterized north to south latitudinal 15N-enrichment in the food web. The tendency identified in δ13C values, in which the northern colonies showed the most enriched values, suggests nearshore and benthic-demersal feeding habits. A low variance in δ13C and δ15N values for each colony (<1‰) and relatively small standard ellipse areas suggest a specialized foraging behavior in adult female Pacific harbor seals in Mexican waters. © 2020 Juárez-Rodríguez et al.
carbon, delta carbon 13, delta nitrogen 15, isotope, nitrogen, unclassified drug, carbon, nitrogen, Article, correlational study, feeding behavior, latitude, Mexico, nonhuman, organism colony, Pinnipedia, population abundance, species richness, troph BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Programa regional hidrológico forestal para la región I península de Baja California
Maria Dolores Olvera Salgado HECTOR GREGORIO CORTES TORRES (2007, [Documento de trabajo])
Tabla de contenido: Planeación en material forestal – Objetivos, metas y estrategias en la Gerencia Región Conafor – Relación agua-bosque – Diagnóstico forestal – Necesidades de recuperación forestal – Planeación estratégica de inversiones para la conservación y recuperación forestal – Impactos esperados de la recuperación forestal sobre los principales recursos naturales – Participación social y planeación regional en materia forestal – Fuentes de financiamiento para implementar el PRHF en la región I península de Baja California – Otros componentes del programa regional hidrológico forestal – Conclusiones y recomendaciones – Bibliografía.
Planeación en material forestal – Objetivos, metas y estrategias en la Gerencia Región Conafor – Relación agua-bosque – Diagnóstico forestal – Necesidades de recuperación forestal – Planeación estratégica de inversiones para la conservación y recuperación forestal – Impactos esperados de la recuperación forestal sobre los principales recursos naturales – Participación social y planeación regional en materia forestal – Fuentes de financiamiento para implementar el PRHF en la región I península de Baja California – Otros componentes del programa regional hidrológico forestal – Conclusiones y recomendaciones – Bibliografía.
Bosques Planificación ambiental Erosión hídrica Informes de proyectos Baja California CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA
Maintenance of Coastal Surface Blooms by Surface Temperature Stratification and Wind Drift
Algae blooms are an increasingly recurrent phenomenon of potentially socio-economic impact in coastal waters globally and in the coastal upwelling region off northern Baja California, Mexico. In coastal upwelling areas the diurnal wind pattern is directed towards the coast during the day. We regularly found positive Near Surface Temperature Stratification (NSTS), the resulting density stratification is expected to reduce the frictional coupling of the surface layer from deeper waters and allow for its more efficient wind transport. We propose that the net transport of the top layer of approximately 2.7 kilometers per day towards the coast helps maintain surface blooms of slow growing dinoflagellate such as Lingulodinium polyedrum. We measured: near surface stratification with a free-rising CTD profiler, trajectories of drifter buoys with attached thermographs, wind speed and direction, velocity profiles via an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Chlorophyll and cell concentration from water samples and vertical migration using sediment traps. The ADCP and drifter data agree and show noticeable current shear within the first meters of the surface where temperature stratification and high cell densities of L. polyedrum were found during the day. Drifters with 1m depth drogue moved towards the shore, whereas drifters at 3 and 5 m depth showed trajectories parallel or away from shore. A small part of the surface population migrated down to the sea floor during night thus reducing horizontal dispersion. The persistent transport of the surface bloom population towards shore should help maintain the bloom in favorable environmental conditions with high nutrients, but also increasing the potential socioeconomic impact of the blooms. The coast wise transport is not limited to blooms but includes all dissolved and particulate constituents in surface waters. © 2013 Ruiz-de la Torre et al.
chlorophyll, algal bloom, article, cell count, cell density, coastal waters, controlled study, dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedrum, meteorological phenomena, Mexico, near surface temperature stratification, nonhuman, nutrient concentration, popul CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA
Andres Alejandro Ojanguren Affilastro (2017, [Artículo])
Tityus curupi n. sp., belonging to the bolivianus complex, is described from the biogeographically distinct area of Paraje Tres Cerros in north-eastern Argentina. We also present a molecular species delimitation analysis between Tityus curupi n. sp. and its sister species Tityus uruguayensis Borelli 1901 to confirm species integrity. Furthermore, a cytogenetic analysis is presented for these two species which contain different multivalent associations in meiosis, as a consequence of chromosome rearrangements, and the highest chromosome numbers in the genus. © 2017 Ojanguren-Affilastro et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Argentina, chromosome analysis, chromosome rearrangement, genus, human, meiosis, sister, species, anatomy and histology, animal, Argentina, chemistry, chromosome, classification, ecosystem, fluorescence in situ hybridization, genetics, geography, isl BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA)
Estudios de genética en poblaciones de abulón y sus aplicaciones en ordenamiento pesquero
"Se presenta la integración de más de 10 años de investigación científica en genética de las poblaciones de abulón en México realizada en el CIBNOR. Esta investigación muestra cómo se pueden aplicar los marcadores genéticos tanto en estudios de genética poblacional como en identificación forense con la finalidad de contribuir al conocimiento aplicado para manejo de la pesquería. Se desarrollaron marcadores genéticos tipo microsatélites de ADN enfocados tanto al abulón azul Haliotis fulgens como amarillo Haliotis corrugata para diferenciación de poblaciones y análisis de parentesco. Un análisis de estructura genética de las poblaciones silvestres de ambas especies de abulón mostró homogeneidad genética en la costa del Pacífico en la región centro-sur de la Península de Baja California, México, pero con diferenciación genética en localidades distantes debido a un flujo genético limitado producto del aislamiento reproductivo. Por ello, no existen elementos que den soporte a un manejo pesquero delimitado por bancos en ambas especies. De manera particular, el abulón amarillo mostró una menor de diversidad genética que el azul, posiblemente debido a una mayor explotación pesquera histórica. Los resultados obtenidos en pruebas de parentesco han indicado que la retención larvaria en bancos específicos es reducida, por lo que ni la agregación de reproductores ni la liberación de larvas han mostrado ser estrategias eficientes para favorecer el incremento de reclutas en bancos definidos. Un análisis de perfiles genéticos con el gen de la lisina permitió la identificación de las especies de abulón que se capturan y enlatan en México. El análisis comparativo de perfi les genéticos, basado en el gen nuclear 18S de abulón y otros moluscos, detectó producto enlatado conteniendo especies de moluscos comercializadas falsamente como abulón, lo que puede constituirse como una herramienta forense en futuras disputas legales. Este tipo de aplicación es potencialmente utilizable con otros productos comestibles en los cuales se sospecha de prácticas fraudulentas, ya sea por captura o comercialización ilegal o por sustitución de contenidos en productos procesados."
"This is an integrative work of more than 10 years of research in population genetics of abalone in Mexico performed at CIBNOR. It shows how molecular tools have the potential to support abalone fisheries management through population genetics and forensic analyses. Microsatellite DNA markers were developed on blue (green for its name in English) Haliotis fulgens and yellow abalone (pink for its name in English) H. corrugata to be used for genetic differentiation on populations and for parentage analysis. The analysis of genetic structure on wild populations of both species revealed genetic homogeneity in the Pacific coast of the central region of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, with genetic differentiation on distant localities due to a limited gene flow as a result of reproduction isolation. From this result we suggest that no evidences were found supporting the management of the fishery based on individual abalone beds. Pink abalone shows lower genetic diversity than green abalone, possibly due to higher historical fishery exploitation. The parentage analysis suggested that larval retention within beds is reduced, indicating that neither broodstockaggregation nor the release of abalone larvae for stock enhancement are efficient strategies to increase recruitment in specific beds.
An analysis of the genetic profiles with the lysine gene allowed the identification of abalone species captured and processed in Mexico. The comparative analysis, based on the 18S gene, among abalone and other mollusks, detected canned product containing mollusks that are commercialized allegedly as abalone or ‘abalone type’, which could constitute a forensic tool in future legal disputes. This type of application can also be used with other edible products in which fraudulent practices are suspected either because of illegal catch or commercialization or substitution in processed products."
Análisis forense, diversidad genética, gen 18S, genética de poblaciones, marcadores genéticos, retención larvaria Forensic analysis, genetic diversity, 18S gene, genetic markers, population genetics, larval retention BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA GENÉTICA GENÉTICA DE POBLACIONES GENÉTICA DE POBLACIONES
Danny L. Fry (2014, [Artículo])
In Mediterranean environments in western North America, historic fire regimes in frequent-fire conifer forests are highly variable both temporally and spatially. This complexity influenced forest structure and spatial patterns, but some of this diversity has been lost due to anthropogenic disruption of ecosystem processes, including fire. Information from reference forest sites can help management efforts to restore forests conditions that may be more resilient to future changes in disturbance regimes and climate. In this study, we characterize tree spatial patterns using four-ha stem maps from four old-growth, Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests, two with active-fire regimes in northwestern Mexico and two that experienced fire exclusion in the southern Sierra Nevada. Most of the trees were in patches, averaging six to 11 trees per patch at 0.007 to 0.014 ha-1, and occupied 27-46% of the study areas. Average canopy gap sizes (0.04 ha) covering 11-20% of the area were not significantly different among sites. The putative main effects of fire exclusion were higher densities of single trees in smaller size classes, larger proportion of trees (≥56%) in large patches (≥10 trees), and decreases in spatial complexity. While a homogenization of forest structure has been a typical result from fire exclusion, some similarities in patch, single tree, and gap attributes were maintained at these sites. These within-stand descriptions provide spatially relevant benchmarks from which to manage for structural heterogeneity in frequent-fire forest types.
article, climate, controlled study, ecosystem fire history, forest structure, geographic distribution, geographic mapping, land use, mathematical computing, mathematical model, Mexico, spatial analysis, taiga, United States, comparative study, conife CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA
Production vulnerability to wheat blast disease under climate change
Diego Pequeno Jose Mauricio Fernandes Pawan Singh Willingthon Pavan Kai Sonder Richard Robertson Timothy Joseph Krupnik Olaf Erenstein Senthold Asseng (2024, [Artículo])