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Digital artifacts reveal development and diffusion of climate research
Bia Carneiro Tek Sapkota (2022, [Artículo])
The new proletariat of the north at Ciudad Juarez: Current trends.
Nolberto Tlacaelel Acosta Pérez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
The arrival of the nowadays renamed Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Service Industry brought within the formation of a new labor subject in the region: the new proletariat of the north. The proposal of the present article is to identify and describe the specific traits of this working class sub-fraction, by a reevaluation of its meaning, the most relevant socioeconomic indicators which serve to understand it, the political organization chapters that it has undertaken in the past years, and its most characteristic cultural attributes.
new proletariat of the north maquiladora U.S.-Mexico border social classes Ciudad Juarez nuevo proletariado del norte frontera norte clases sociales Ciudad Juárez CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Habitability conditions for floods: the case of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
MARCELINO GARCIA BENITEZ Saul Nucamendi Hernandez Omar Ávila Flores (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
At present, there are changes in the environment that favor the presence of extreme climatic phenomena such as floods, this exposure implies that the populations of urban areas suffer effects on their material assets, which limits their capacity for individual and / or family development. Given the lack of local territorial planning, the establishment of colonies was allowed on the banks of the Sabinal river and its tributaries that present episodes of flooding during the rainy season (Sistema Municipal de Protección Civil, 2015).
The study evaluates the habitability conditions of the urban population exposed to flooding, the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas is taken as a reference, since historically it is a recurring problem during the summer. The methodology interrelates geostatistical, spatial and cartographic databases with hemerographic information sources based on the review of the literature for the construction of the general index, determined in dimensions that group social, economic, educational aspects, availability of basic services, goods with those that count the dwellings and their accessibility, etc., on a geographical scale of Urban Geostatistical Areas (AGEB).
The results obtained generated an index on the distribution of habitability conditions by urban Ageb, they are interrelated with spatial data on floods and their relationship with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (ODS), which proposes to improve infrastructure conditions in cities and towns. sustainable communities so that the inequality originated among the population exposed to future extreme flood events that occur in the different areas that make up the city is reduced.
Habitability conditions floods Sustainable Development Goals urban Ageb city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas AGEB urbana ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas condiciones de habitabilidad inundaciones CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Elevación del piso del seno maxilar con técnica transcrestal.
Introduction: the elevation of the transcrestal floor of the maxillary sinus consists of the vertical reconstruction of the atrophic alveolar ridge in an apical direction, with which it is possible to place the correct number and length of oral implants. Objective: to describe the procedure of a case of transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with the placement of three dental implants. Clinical case: 62 year old female patient with missing teeth 16, 25 and 26. Treatment: three implants were placed to replace the missing teeth. Due to the decrease in height of the remaining alveolar ridge due to pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses, elevation of the sinus floor was planned with the transcrestal Summers¿s technique and placement of graft material. Results: by means of the grafts, sufficient height was achieved for the correct stability of the implants, each área had an average gain of 3 mm in bone height, with which length was obtained to give the implants adequate primary stability. Conclusion: sinus floor elevation with a transcrestal approach is a good alternative for rehabilitation with implants in the posterior edentulous sector, associated with pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses.
Elevation of the floor of the maxillary sinus Transcrestal technique Implants Graft Bone height MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS CIRUGÍA ORTODONCIA-ESTOMATOLOGÍA
Una articulación fundamental: la emancipación
Nicolás Amoroso Boelcke (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
El concepto, la circunstancia de la enseñanza que aquí abordaremos, tiene el propósito de restituir ciertas situaciones que corresponden al propio ejercicio de la instrucción y a aquellas otras que hablan del acontecer, por ello el trabajo. Tiene las variables tanto de la experiencia real como de las otras sobre las que se han escrito, una de ellas, al final, plantea una situación paradójica que se refiere a la del maestro ignorante que, básicamente, tiene como propósito mostrar que el conocimiento es algo que está en el alumno y que el docente debe limitarse a tratar de que aflore y se exprese de la mejor manera posible. Nos habla de la independencia y de las características que puede tener una educación rigurosa y rígida, en contraposición con una más flexible. Lo mismo sucede con el pensamiento desde nuestra América, de la educación dependiente a una educación libertaria.
The concept, the circumstance of the teaching that we will address here has the purpose of restoring certain situations that correspond to the exercise itself as those others that speak of the happening for it the work. It has the variables of real experience as of the others about which they have been written, one of them, in the end, poses a paradoxical situation that refers to that of the ignorant teacher that, basically, has the purpose of showing that knowledge is something that is in the student and that the teacher must limit himself to trying to bring it out and express itself in the best possible way. It tells us about independence and the characteristics that a rigorous and rigid education can have with a more flexible one and the same happens with the thought from our America, from dependent education to a libertarian education.
Emancipación, docencia, alumnos, investigación, juego. Emancipation, teaching, students, research, play. Interaction analysis in education. Microteaching. Teacher-student relationships. Transformative learning. Educational innovations. Análisis de interacción en la educación. Relaciones maestro-estudiante. Aprendizaje transformador. Cambio educativo. LB1034 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA TEORÍA Y MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS
LIZBETH FITZ BELTRÁN (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])
La aspiración de secreciones es una técnica que realiza el personal de enfermería que consiste en
la extracción de secreciones traqueobronquiales con ayuda de un sistema de presión en pacientes
intubados Este procedimiento en este tipo de pacientes debe ser totalmente estéril y adecuado
antes, durante y después de la aspiración, ya que nuestro objetivo es proporcionar al paciente un
estado de bienestar y confort, mantener la permeabilidad de la vía aérea y un adecuado intercambio
gaseoso, estimular el reflejo tusígeno y evitar el desarrollo de una infección respiratoria debido al
acúmulo de secreciones.
El siguiente trabajo es un estudio de tipo cuantitativo con método observacional y de corte
transversal, se espera que el personal de enfermería de las áreas donde se encuentran pacientes con
intubación orotraqueal unifiquen conocimientos sobre la técnica de aspiración de secreciones con
una propuesta de capacitación sobre la técnica de aspiración de secreciones , se tomara una muestra
de conveniencia de 47 enfermeros de los servicios de UCIA A, sala de hombres, sala de mujeres
2 y urgencias . Se realizará la capacitación al personal de enfermería sobre la técnica de aspiración
de secreciones tanto sistema abierto como cerrado, esto ayudará al personal de enfermería a realizar
correctamente la técnica de aspiración de secreciones, ayudando tanto al paciente como a la
institución ya que se evitarán complicaciones hacia el paciente, así como, disminución en estancia
Secretion aspiration is a technique that nurses doing to extract tracheal secretion with the help of
pressure system in mecanical ventilation patientes. With this kind of patient, the secretion
aspiration procedure must be sterile technique before during and after, because our goal is get to
the patient a well-being state and confort, holding permeability on the airway and gas exchange
suitable, increased sputum expectoration and avoid respiratory tract infections.
This Study is an observational research with cross-sectional transverse design, with this protocole
hope that nurses that care these kind of patients, would homogen their knowledge abote secretion
aspiration technique, with a training program, about the correct secretion aspiration technique.
It will take a convenience sampling for 47 nurses in the adult intensive care unit, man united,
women unit 2 and emergency. It will be carried out, capacitation for nurses about secretion
aspiration technique, open system and close system, with the purpose to help nurses doing correctly
that technique. This action will benefit patients and decreasing their hospital stay.
MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS técnica, aspiración de secreciones, enfermería technique , aspiration of secretions, nurses.
"The main goal of this study was to explore the historical and recent spatial concurrence between the frequency (F), duration (D) and intensity (I) of hot extremes (HEs) and the frequency and evolution of meteorological drought in the region of Sinaloa. Based on the values of daily maximum temperatura (Tmax) and precipitation obtained from CLImate COMputing for the interval April–October of a historical period (1963–2000) and a recent period (1982–2014), the HE and the standardized precipitation index (SPI) were calculated on one-month (SPI-1) and four-month (SPI-4) timescales. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (Sr) were used to obtain the significant concurrences (SCs) between HEs and SPI-1, and HEs and SPI-4. El Quelite weather station showed the highest historical SCs between HEs and SPI-1 (−0.66≤Sr≤−0.57). Jaina is the only station that showed SCs with all four indicators of HEs and SPI-4 (−0.47≤Sr≤−0.34). In this study, the concurrence between HEs and SPI-1, and HEs and SPI-4 was determined for the first time. These are phenomena that can decrease the crop yield, particularly for rainfed crops such as maize, sesame and sorghum in the region commonly known as “the breadbasket of Mexico."
Wastewater-containing dyes are an environmental problem. The prime source of dye pollutants is the textile industry, such as paper manufacturing, food processing, leather, pigments, etc. Dye removal from wastewater using nanotechnology has received attention in recent decades thanks to efficient nanomaterials improving traditional technologies. In recent years, multiple research reports on carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation provided substantial insight into the comprehension of nanotechnology and remediation. This work presents a review and bibliometric analysis of carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation, which have an environmental impact today. The bibliometric study showed that the current research tendency on carbon nanotubes applied in dye removal and photocatalysis is still growing. According to research, this work observed that carbon nanotubes for dye removal exhibit high removal and efficient photocatalysis activity, indicating the functionality of nanotechnology for environmental remediation. The analysis of the parameters involved in the removal studies, such as temperature and pH, showed adsorption behavior. The photodegradation of methylene blue demonstrated the photocatalytic activity of carbon nanotubes attributed to the sp2 lattice of graphitic configuration.
BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA adsorption; carbon nanotubes; methylene blue; photocatalysis; photodegradation of methylene blue
Ana Lilia Perea Rojas (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La Reserva de la Biósfera de Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) es un área natural protegida que provee de distintos servicios ambientales a los pobladores de la comunidad de Bahía de Los Ángeles. Tiene una gran importancia ecológica por la diversidad de especies que habitan en ella y para las especies migratorias que la utilizan, algunas de las cuales se encuentran enlistadas dentro de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Con objeto de estimar el efecto de la pesca sobre el ecosistema se construyó un modelo de balance de masas empleando Ecopath con Ecosim. Mediante una revisión documental, se definieron 32 grupos funcionales (GF) y se construyó una matriz de dietas. El modelo se parametrizó con los valores de biomasa (B), relación producción/biomasa (P/B) y se obtuvieron los valores de eficiencia ecotrófica (EE) y relación producción/consumo (P/Q). El rendimiento total del sistema (TST) fue de 13,689 t/km2/año. El nivel trófico de la captura de 3.48 y la producción neta del sistema de 4,641 t/km2/año. La matriz de impactos tróficos mixtos muestra que los grupos que sufren mayor impacto negativo por los Tiburones son los Odontocetos, Misticetos y Tortugas. Se simularon los cambios en la biomasa relativa de los GF bajo escenarios de incremento y decremento del esfuerzo pesquero (5 y 10%) y no pesca, en un lapso de 10 años. Se encontró que los cambios en el esfuerzo pesquero de Elasmobranquios y los Peces de escama son los que mayor efecto tienen sobre otros GF. Resalta que suspender la pesca tendría poco efecto, tanto positivo como negativo (2-3%) sobre la biomasa relativa de los GF, excepto Tiburones y rayas, que incrementarían 245 y 124%, respectivamente. Este modelo podría utilizarse para la toma de decisiones en el manejo y conservación del ecosistema.
The Biosphere Reserve of Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) is a natural protected area that provides different environmental services to the residents of the community of Bahía de Los Ángeles. It has great ecological importance due to the diversity of species that inhabit it and the migratory species that use it, some of which are listed within NOM-059- SEMARNAT-2001. To estimate the effect of fishing on the ecosystem, a mass balance model was built using Ecopath with Ecosim. Through a documentary review, 32 functional groups (GF) were defined, and a diet matrix was constructed. The model was parameterized with the values of biomass (B), production/biomass ratio (P/B) and the values of ecotrophic efficiency (EE) and production/consumption ratio (P/Q) were obtained. The total system throughput (TST) was 13,689 t/km2/year. The trophic level of the capture is 3.48 and the net production of the system is 4,641 t/km2/year. The matrix of mixed trophic impacts shows that the groups that suffer the greatest negative impact from Sharks are Odontocetes, Mysticetes and Turtles. Changes in the relative biomass of GF were simulated under scenarios of increase and decrease in fishing effort (5 and 10%) and no fishing, over a period of 10 years. It was found that changes in the fishing effort of Elasmobranchs and Finfish have the greatest effect on other GFs. It highlights that suspending fishing would have little effect, both positive and negative (2-3%) on the relative biomass of GFs, except for sharks and rays, which would increase 245 and 124%, respectively. This model could be used for decision making in the management and conservation of the ecosystem.
Ecopath con Ecosim, socio-ecosistema, Golfo de California, pesquerías, conservación Ecopath with Ecosim, socio-ecosystem, Gulf of California, fisheries, conservation BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS
Diseño de una red de dispositivos inalámbricos para monitorear la calidad del aire en interiores
FRIDA JENNY DE LA ROSA ANDRADE (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
No cabe duda de que la contaminación ambiental siempre a existido, y es una consecuencia
producida por las diferentes actividades que el ser humano ha realizado a lo largo de su
desarrollo y evolución tecnológica, por lo que conlleva a muchas repercusiones en la
integridad física del ambiente. Las actividades de desarrollo, como la construcción, el
transporte y la fabricación, no solo agotan los recursos naturales, sino que también producen
una gran cantidad de desechos que conducen a la contaminación del aire, el agua, el suelo y
los océanos, dando pie a los problemas más preocupantes del ser humano, tal es el caso del
calentamiento global, las lluvias acidas. Hoy en día la contaminación del aire se considera
un tema de gran importancia puesto que, es uno de los principales problemas en las zonas
más urbanizadas del mundo, y se encuentra presente tanto en los países desarrollados como
en los no desarrollados, por ello surge la necesidad de conocer que tan contaminado se
encuentra el aire que se respira.
El estándar de calidad del aire es una táctica para establecer las condiciones del aire desde un
grado de pureza, hasta una calidad critica perjudicial para el deterioro de la salud humana,
haciendo referencia a la cantidad de contaminación presente en el aire, definiéndola ya sea
de alta calidad con un nivel bajo de contaminación o una mala calidad con un nivel elevado
de concentración de contaminación en el aire.
En este proyecto se diseñará una Red de dispositivos inalámbricos para el análisis y
monitoreo de la calidad del aire en interiores, con la finalidad de fungir como un medidor de
contaminación que le permita a las personas darse cuenta de que tan contaminados están sus
hogares. Por tal motivo en el desarrollo de este proyecto se hará uso de un microcontrolador
Arduino IDE, un Node-red y un phpMyadmin para el análisis y monotoreo constante de
diversos gases como CO, CO2, metano, nitrógeno y O2. Cabe mencionar que este escrito se
ha dividido en 4 capítulos en los cuales se explica detalladamente todos y cada uno de los
procesos llevado a cabo para la elaboración y el desarrollo de este proyecto.
There is no doubt that environmental pollution has always existed, and is a consequence
produced by the different activities that human beings have carried out throughout their
development and technological evolution, which leads to many repercussions on the physical
integrity of the environment. Development activities such as construction, transportation and
manufacturing not only deplete natural resources but also produce a large amount of waste
leading to pollution of air, water, soil and oceans, giving rise to to the most worrying problems
of human beings, such as global warming and acid rain. Nowadays, air pollution is considered
an issue of great importance since it is one of the main problems in the most urbanized areas
of the world, and is present in both developed and undeveloped countries, which is why the
need to know how contaminated the air you breathe is.
The air quality standard is a tactic to establish air conditions from a degree of purity to a
critical quality harmful to the deterioration of human health, referring to the amount of
pollution present in the air, defining it either high quality with a low level of contamination
or poor quality with a high level of concentration of contamination in the air.
In this project, a network of wireless devices will be designed for the analysis and monitoring
of indoor air quality, with the purpose of serving as a pollution meter that allows people to
realize how polluted their homes are. For this reason, in the development of this project, an
Arduino IDE microcontroller, a Node-red and a phpMyadmin will be used for the analysis
and constant monitoring of various gases such as CO, CO2, methane, nitrogen and O2. It is
worth mentioning that this writing has been divided into 4 chapters in which each and every
one of the processes carried out for the preparation and development of this project is
explained in detail.
BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA Red de dispositivos inalámbricos, análisis monitoreo, calidad, riesgo, contaminación. Network of wireless devices, monitoring analysis, quality, risk, contamination.