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Socio-spatial segregation of socio-environmental assets of public green spaces in the city of Durango, Mexico

Carlos Alejandro Custodio González Tania Ortiz Patricia Catalina Medina Pérez (2024, [Artículo, Artículo])

The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. This disparity impacts employment levels, educational performance, urban decay, and environmental degradation. In this context, the article aims to examine the socio-spatial segregation in the access to socio-environmental amenities provided by public green spaces (EVP) in a medium-sized city, specifically Durango, Mexico. The analysis utilizes spatial analysis and statistical methods that involve five variables associated with EVPs: surface area, percentage, number, density, and the socioeconomic level of the population. A spatial pattern of segregation was identified through these variables, resulting in four clusters that impact how the city of Durango is inhabited, produced, reproduced, lived, and constructed.

sociospatial exclusion public space spatial autocorrelation spatial patterns spatial justice exclusión socioespacial espacio público autocorrelación espacial patrones espaciales justicia espacial CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES