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Appraisal of complementarity of subsurface drip fertigation and conservation agriculture for physiological performance and water economy of maize

C.M. Parihar Hari Sankar Nayak Dipaka Ranjan Sena Renu Pandey Mahesh Gathala ML JAT (2023, [Artículo])

The Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) in north-west (NW) India are facing a severe decline in ground water due to prevalent rice-based cropping systems. To combat this issue, conservation agriculture (CA) with an alternative crop/s, such as maize, is being promoted. Recently, surface drip fertigation has also been evaluated as a viable option to address low-nutrient use efficiency and water scarcity problems for cereals. While the individual benefits of CA and sub-surface drip (SSD) irrigation on water economy are well-established, information regarding their combined effect in cereal-based systems is lacking. Therefore, we conducted a two-year field experiment in maize, under an ongoing CA-based maize-wheat system, to evaluate the complementarity of CA with SSD irrigation through two technological interventions–– CA+ (residue retained CA + SSD), PCA+ (partial CA without residue + SSD) – at different N rates (0, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1) in comparison to traditional furrow irrigated (FI) CA and conventional tillage (CT) at 120 kg N ha-1. Our results showed that CA+ had the highest grain yield (8.2 t ha-1), followed by PCA+ (8.1 t ha-1). The grain yield under CA+ at 150 kg N ha-1 was 27% and 30% higher than CA and CT, respectively. Even at the same N level (120 kg N ha-1), CA+ outperformed CA and CT by 16% and 18%, respectively. The physiological performance of maize also revealed that CA+ based plots with 120 kg N ha-1 had 12% and 3% higher photosynthesis rate at knee-high and silking, respectively compared to FI-CA and CT. Overall, compared to the FI-CA and CT, SSD-based CA+ and PCA+ saved 54% irrigation water and increased water productivity (WP) by more than twice. Similarly, a greater number of split N application through fertigation in PCA+ and CA+ increased agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and recover efficiency by 8–19% and 14–25%, respectively. Net returns from PCA+ and CA+ at 150 kg N ha-1 were significantly higher by US$ 491 and 456, respectively than the FI-CA and CT treatments. Therefore, CA coupled with SSD provided tangible benefits in terms of yield, irrigation water saving, WP, NUE and profitability. Efforts should be directed towards increasing farmers’ awareness of the benefits of such promising technology for the cultivating food grains and commercial crops such as maize. Concurrently, government support and strict policies are required to enhance the system adaptability.


Casos de estudio en México en el sector de la construcción

Aurora Poó Rubio (2010, [Artículo])

El planeamiento del estudio de casos múltiples para estudiar las empresas en el sector de la construcción permitió a la presente investigación el examen del comportamiento de varias empresas. Aunque estas no eran completamente similares, su comparación pudo ser llevada a cabo, identificando prácticas exitosas, así como aquellas que derivaron en grandes problemas para las organizaciones. Referente a la evaluación, las empresas no necesariamente cumplieron completamente con todas las premisas planteadas en sus hipótesis de trabajo. Se observó que las organizaciones estudiadas tuvieron un comportamiento diferenciado. SIDEK, tuvo aciertos espectaculares, pero igual de impactante fueron sus contratiempos. Se desempeñó hasta el 94 como una gran empresa, pero en la segunda mitad de los 90's produjo resultados contrastantes. ARA respondió satisfactoriamente a todas las evaluaciones aplicadas y su desempeño ha continuado siendo exitoso, basado en políticas de trabajo y financieras visionarias pero conservadoras al mismo tiempo, lo que pone en manifiesto las experiencias vividas en los años de crisis económica del país. ICA fue sumamente exitosa durante un importante período de tiempo y sufrió fuertes afectaciones por los cambios contextuales, anotados en el estudio correspondiente; identifica tanto áreas disfuncionales como momentos en el tiempo de fragilidad empresarial; actualmente con la generación de obra pública y el Programa Nacional de Infraestructura, su desempeño ha vuelto a ser exitoso y se mantiene como la constructora número 1 del país. En nuestro país son pocos los Casos de Estudio de empresas mexicanas y no se localizó ninguna información respecto a firmas del sector de la construcción. Lo anterior muestra que hay un gran camino que recorrer en cuanto al estudio de las firmas por estos medios y que el diagnóstico que se puede elaborar de su desempeño es fundamental para el diseño de la Planeación Estratégica de las empresas del sector de la construcción en México.

Construction industry--Mexico. Construction industry--Management. Industria de la construcción -- Administración. HD9715.M4 CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS ECONOMÍA SECTORIAL CONSTRUCCIÓN

Weed management and tillage effect on rainfed maize production in three agro-ecologies in Mexico

Simon Fonteyne Abel Jaime Leal González Rausel Ovando Ravi Gopal Singh Nele Verhulst (2022, [Artículo])

Maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in a wide range of agro-ecological environments and production systems across Mexico. Weeds are a major constraint on maize grain yield, but knowledge regarding the best weed management methods is lacking. In many production systems, reducing tillage could lessen land degradation and production costs, but changes in tillage might require changes in weed management. This study evaluated weed dynamics and rainfed maize yield under five weed management treatments (pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, pre-emergence + post-emergence herbicide, manual weed control, and no control) and three tillage methods (conventional, minimum and zero tillage) in three agro-ecologically distinct regions of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016 and 2017. In the temperate Mixteca region, weeds reduced maize grain yields by as much as 92% and the long-growing season required post-emergence weed control, which gave significantly higher yields. In the hot, humid Papaloapan region, weeds reduced maize yields up to 63% and pre-emergence weed control resulted in significantly higher yields than treatments with post-emergence control only. In the semi-arid Valles Centrales region, weeds reduced maize yields by as much as 65%, but weed management was not always effective in increasing maize yield or net profitability. The most effective weed management treatments tended to be similar for the three tillage systems at each site, although weed pressure and the potential yield reduction by weeds tended to be higher under zero tillage than minimum or conventional tillage. No single best option for weed management was found across sites or tillage systems. More research, in which non-chemical methods should not be overlooked, is thus needed to determine the most effective weed management methods for the diverse maize production systems across Mexico.


Movilidad inclusiva, divergencia intrínseca

VICTOR MANUEL COLLANTES VAZQUEZ (2019, [Capítulo de libro])

10 páginas.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco.

En estos tiempos, hablar de diseño, innovación y su influencia en la vida cotidiana es un tema cada día más necesarios. Distintas tendencias se están manifestando en relación a la participación de las tecnologías de la información, accesibilidad movilidad. El tema de este trabajo está relacionado con el desarrollo inclusivo, entendiendo a la discapacidad para caminar como un reto para lo que representa el avanzar hacia una sociedad que considere la totalidad de los habitantes. El caso de estudio es la Alcaldía de Azcapotzalco. Se presenta la experiencia de abordar el tema desde diferentes metodologías que han sido consideradas para enriquecer la investigación y se expresa el aprendizaje a través del reto de estudiar una diversidad de subtemas.

Discapacidad, movilidad, diseño, envejecimiento. Accessible Web sites for people with disabilities. Customer services--Management. Social justice. Accesibilidad de páginas Web a personas con discapacidad. Acceso para personas con discapacidad. HV1568.4 INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ORDENADORES DISEÑO CON AYUDA DE ORDENADOR

Changes in soil organic carbon pools after 15 years of Conservation Agriculture in rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system of eastern Indo-Gangetic plains

C.M. Parihar Mahesh Gathala ML JAT (2023, [Artículo])

The present study was carried out at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Samastipur, Bihar during 2021-2023 to focus on examining alterations in SOC pools resulting from conservation agriculture (CA) practices in R-W system in the eastern IGP, following the collection of soil samples from a long-term trial that was initiated in rainy (kharif) season 2006. The trial included eight combinations, namely: conventional tilled rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CTR-CTW); CT rice and zero till wheat (CTR-ZTW); direct seeded rice (DSR) and wheat on permanent raised beds (PBDSR-PBW); ZTDSR and CT Wheat (ZTDSR-CTW); ZTDSR and ZT wheat without residue (ZTDSR-ZTW-R); ZTDSR-ZT wheat with residue (ZTDSR-ZTW +R); unpuddled transplanted riceZTW (UpTR-ZTW) and ZTDSR-sesbania brown manure-ZTW (ZTDSR-S-ZTW). Results revealed that implementing zero tillage (ZT) combined with residue retention in rice and wheat cultivation led to enhanced levels of soil organic carbon (SOC) across all four fractions, namely very labile (CVL), labile (CL), less labile (CLL), and non-labile (CNL), in comparison to the continuous and rotational tillage practices. The tillage and residue management options significantly affected the lability index (LI) and C pool index (CPI), with zero-tillage and residue retention leading to lower LI and higher CPI values. The management practices significantly affected the C management index (CMI), with zero-tillage and residue retention showing the highest CMI values. Findings showed the potential of CA practices for enhancing soil C quality as well as C sequestration in soil of the Eastern IGP of India.


Desarrollo sostenible de la gestión escolar: un proceso en tensión

Raúl Enrique Anzaldúa (2004, [Capítulo de libro])

Capítulo de la sección: Educación y sustentabilidad

En este trabajo se intentará abordar, aunque sea de manera esquemática, una aproximación a ciertos aspectos de la crisis que se presenta en el subsistema de educación básica, especialmente aquellos aspectos vinculados con la gestión escolar. enmarcada en las tensiones provocadas por el dispositivo pedagógico que se ha establecido para el ejercicio del poder en este ámbito educativo.

Basic education--Mexico. School management and organization--Mexico. Education and state--Mexico. Educación básica. Administración escolar. LC1035.8.M6 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA ORGANIZACIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN ORGANIZACIÓN Y DIRECCIÓN DE LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS