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User manual: How to use Agvisely to generate climate service advisories for livestock in Bangladesh

T.S Amjath-Babu Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Libro])

The Agvisely digital service for livestock integrates location-specific meteorological forecasts generated by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) with species specific biological thresholds for weather variables (Temperature, rainfall, and temperature-humidity index (THI). When a biological threshold is to be breached in next five days' forecast, the system automatically generates location-specific management advice for livestock farmers. Advisories are based on a decision tree developed by the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) and CIMMYT. Agvisely is a smart phone app and web-based service developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) CIMMYT with the support of USAID, securing the Food Systems of Asian Mega- Deltas (AMD) for Climate and Livelihood Resilience and the Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) initiatives in collaboration with Bangladesh Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE) and Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD).


Disruptive approach to integrate data in a digital environment: progress report CIMMYT-Bluenumber 2023

Andrea Gardeazabal (2023, [Documento de trabajo])

This report describes the process carried out a pilot project to evaluate a scalable disruptive approach to integrating data for agronomy research that also incentivizes sustainable production and enables traceability using open data sharing protocol with self-sovereign identity (SSI).


Servicios digitales públicos: el IMPI y la emisión de títulos de patente que realiza

Pamela Serrano Magaña (2023, [Otro, Trabajo de grado, maestría])

Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han logrado acercar a la población a contenidos y formas de intercambio de información que anteriormente no eran posibles; el Internet ha derrumbado fronteras entre las sociedades, los gobiernos, el conocimiento y las oportunidades, creando a su vez nuevas necesidades para caer en el círculo virtuoso de la innovación.

Este artículo plantea una transformación integral en una etapa digital específica dentro de los procesos internos del IMPI, desde el expediente físico hacia el expediente digital para automatizar los procesos de emisión de títulos de concesión de patentes de invención lo que resultaría en una reducción del índice de errores humanos involuntarios, así como la mejora en la atención a los usuarios, al ofrecer mayor certeza en los servicios proporcionados y mayor seguridad en el tratamiento de su información, así como un apego a las normas jurídicas aplicables. El objetivo de esta implementación es reducir el índice de equivocaciones en la documentación oficial emitida disminuyendo en consecuencia, los retrasos y las incidencias fortuitas, y para dicho fin se proponen dos soluciones. La primera, el desarrollar un nuevo módulo dentro del sistema principal existente, que permitirá exportar los datos y generar el título directamente en el formato requerido. La segunda, es la utilización de tecnología de automatización robótica de procesos o RPA por sus siglas en inglés (Robotic Process Automation) para hacer uso de una herramienta que sustituya a la transcripción manual por una transcripción automática.

Digitalización Servicios digitales Gobierno electrónico Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS

Determinantes tecnológicos de las decisiones de inversión: un análisis de la industria manufacturera mexicana

Technological determinants and investment decisions: a Mexican manufacturing industry analysis


En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de determinantes tecnológicos en las decisiones de inversión de las empresas manufactureras mexicanas. Se utilizan estimaciones de eficiencia obtenidas a partir del Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés), así como indicadores tecnológicos para las regresiones a través de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO). El análisis se realiza partiendo de datos de corte transversal. La evidencia empírica sugiere que la eficiencia técnica a partir de los factores productivos capital y trabajo puede incentivar los niveles de inversión.

The influence of technological determinants on the investment decisions of Mexican manufacturing firms is discussed in this work. Efficiency estimates obtained from the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and technology indicators for the regressions through Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) are used to develop the study. The analysis is based on cross-sectional data. Empirical evidence suggests that the technological efficiency that arises from productive factors (capital and labor) may encourage investment.

CIENCIAS SOCIALES Inversión Tecnología Manufactura Investment Technology Manufacture

Necessity as a driver in bending agricultural gender norms in the Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia

Pragya Timsina Emma Karki Brendan Brown (2023, [Artículo])

The majority of the farmers in the rural Global South continue to depend directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods. Despite the fact that women account for almost half of the world's farmers, they face gender-specific challenges such as deeply rooted cultural and social norms that limit their access to land, assets, financial markets, agricultural training, and information. Using semi-structured interviews with farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains, this study investigates how necessity is becoming one of the major drivers in the bending of agricultural gender norms. The study investigates the connections between feminist political ecology and agricultural technology production frameworks in order to comprehend the implications of technology adoption and influences on gender norms in communities. Women's participation in agriculture was found to be heavily influenced by social and cultural barriers, and they were frequently subjected to social criticism for breaking the systemic gender norms. This paper emphasizes on the growing pattern of bending gender norms with recommendations for increasing women's participation and scope in future agriculture development initiatives through policies and interventions that emphasize gender equity.


Contextual realities and poverty traps: Why South Asian smallholder farmers negatively evaluate conservation agriculture

Pragya Timsina Emma Karki Brendan Brown (2023, [Artículo])

Conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification (CASI) is gaining prominence as an agricultural pathway to poverty reduction and enhancement of sustainable food systems among government and development actors in the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of South Asia. Despite substantial investment in research and extension programs and a growing understanding of the agronomic, economic and labor-saving benefits of CASI, uptake remains limited. This study explores farmer experiences and perspectives to establish why farmers choose not to implement CASI systems despite a strong body of recent scientific evidence establishing the benefits of them doing so. Through thematic coding of semi-structured interviews, key constraints are identified, which establishes a narrative that current households' resources are insufficient to enable practice change, alongside limited supporting structures for resource supplementation. Such issues create a dependency on subsidies and outside support, a situation that is likely to impact any farming system change given the low-risk profiles of farmers and their limited resource base. This paper hence sets out broad implications for creating change in smallholder farming systems in order to promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural technologies in resource-poor smallholder contexts, especially with regard to breaking the profound poverty cycles that smallholder farmers find themselves in and which are unlikely to be broken by the current set of technologies promoted to them.