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Diseño y activismo artístico

Olivia Fragoso-Susunaga (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

En el 2015, las Naciones Unidas proponen una serie de objetivos dirigidos a convocar a los habitantes del mundo a realizar acciones orientadas a acabar con la pobreza, mejorar las condiciones del planeta y lograr que, para el 2030, todas las personas puedan gozar de paz y bienestar. A estos objetivos se les conoce como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). La educación superior juega un papel fundamental en el logro de los ODS. La UAM y, en el caso que nos compete, el CyAD están llamados a colaborar en esta tarea que nos involucra a todos y todas quienes formamos la comunidad universitaria. Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la importancia que tiene la formación en activismo artístico en la educación del diseño para el logro de los ODS. Se propone que enfatizar el vínculo entre el diseño y el activismo artístico es parte de un escenario futuro indiscutiblemente necesario en el currículo de licenciatura en el CyAD.

In 2015, the United Nations proposed a series of goals aimed at calling on the world’s inhabitants to take action to end poverty, improve the conditions of the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people can enjoy peace and well-being. These goals are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education plays a fundamental role in the achievement of the SDGs, the UAM and, in the case that concerns us, the CyAD are called to collaborate in this task that involves all of us who form the university community. This work is a reflection on the importance of training in artistic activism in design education for the achievement of the SDGs. It is proposed that emphasizing the link between design and art activism is part of an indisputably necessary future scenario in the undergraduate curriculum at CyAD.

Activismo artístico, educación del diseño, cultura. Artistic activism, design education, culture. Sustainable Development Goals. Art and social action. Education, Higher--Social aspects. Educational change. Artists--Political activity. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Desarrollo sustentable. Participación social. Cambio educativo. NX180.P64 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS

Sentido y significación del habla en la actuación

Claudia Fragoso Susunaga (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Capítulo número 2 de la Sección El juego de los signos.

El objetivo de este texto es identificar los elementos de los actos de habla y la pragmática lingüística, que tienen que ver con procesos de significación e intención en la enunciación de un texto dramático-escénico o de algún personaje, pensando en las actividades de doblaje, radio-drama, videojuegos, audiolibros y la escena misma. Desarrollando, desde una visión transdisciplinaria la interacción de diferentes campos del conocimiento, como lo son el teatro, la semiótica y la lingüística e incluso todas aquellas disciplinas humanas que comprenden el habla y su interés en los procesos de comunicación. Las repercusiones de este análisis pueden recaer directamente en la formación y desempeño actoral, favoreciendo procesos de análisis de texto, en función a un enriquecimiento de la expresión comunicativa de actores y actrices.

Discourse analysis. Discourse analysis, Literary. Voice actors and actresses. Modality (Linguistics) Semiotics--Social aspects. Actores y actrices de doblaje. Análisis del discurso literario. Modalidad (Lingüística) Semiótica. PC5252 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES

Historical use of water resources. Civil works evolution in Zacatecas state

Carlos Bautista-Capetillo Georgia González-Pérez Hiram Badillo-Almaraz (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])

Availability and demand are essential aspects for the human being when planning is made to provide water to the different sectors that may have need of it; still, the demand of suitable volume of water increases day by day, while the supply decreases gradually. In this inverse relationship, anthropogenic and environmental dynamics are decisive to guarantee the needs of the population, specifically due to the climatic transformations evidenced in recent decades. Throughout history, the state of Zacatecas has suffered the ravages of extreme environmental events, mainly those related to drought. Likewise, but on a lesser extent, severe floods have occurred that have caused socioeconomic damage. In this work, the climatic variations of temperature and precipitation and their influence on the evolution of hydraulic systems for the supply of drinking water in the municipality of Nochistlán de Mejía, Zacatecas are analyzed during the period 1930-2015.

drinking water supply historical development of waterworks climate and its transformations Abasto de agua potable desarrollo histórico de obras hidráulicas clima y sus transformaciones CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

Sustainability evaluation of contrasting milpa systems in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Santiago Lopez-Ridaura Tania Carolina Camacho Villa (2023, [Artículo])

The milpa agroecosystem is an intercropping of maize, beans, squash and other crops, developed in Mesoamerica, and its adoption is widely variable across climates and regions. An example of particular interest is the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, which holds highly diverse milpas, drawing on ancestral Mayan knowledge. Traditional milpas have been described as sustainable resource management models, based on long rotations within a slash-and-burn cycle in forest areas. Nevertheless, due to modernization and intensification processes, new variants of the approach have appeared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of three milpa systems (traditional, continuous, and mechanized) in four case studies across the Peninsula, with emphasis on food self-sufficiency, social inclusion and adoption of innovations promoted by a development project. The Framework for the Evaluation of Agroecosystems using Indicators (MESMIS, for its Spanish acronym) was used for its flexible, participatory approach. A common group of indicators was developed despite regional differences between study cases, with a high level of farmer participation throughout the iterative process. The results show lower crop yields in traditional systems, but with lower inputs costs and pesticide use. In contrast, continuous milpas had higher value in terms of crop diversity, food security, social inclusion, and innovation adoption. Mechanized milpas had lower weed control costs. Profitability of cash crops and the proportion of forest were high in all systems. Highly adopted innovations across milpa types and study cases included spatial crop arrangement and the use of residues as mulches. However, most innovations are not adapted to local conditions, and do not address climate change. Further, women and youth participation is low, especially in traditional systems.