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- Edmundo García-Moya (1)
- Freiman Estiven Triana Arango (1)
- Grecia Daniela del Carmen Esquivel Mondragón (1)
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- Jessica Villalobos (1)
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5 resultados, página 1 de 1
Freiman Estiven Triana Arango (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"Two-photon absorption (TPA), a nonlinear optical phenomenon, is gaining attention for applications like laser scanning, microscopy, and therapy. Recent research explores entangled two photon absorption (ETPA) using correlated photons but faces debates regarding its magnitude and detection. This study introduces a novel method using changes in Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferogram visibility to probe ETPA's presence. It employs Rhodamine B dye and entangled photons at around 800nm to investigate conditions conducive to observing ETPA-induced changes. This innovative approach distinguishes genuine ETPA signals from linear optical losses often masquerading as ETPA effects, addressing a significant field challenge."
Two-photon absorption Entangled two-photon absorption Hong-Ou-Mandel HOM dip visibility Joint Spectral Intensity Entangled photons CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA FÍSICA ÓPTICA OPTICA NO LINEAL OPTICA NO LINEAL
Can I speak to the manager? The gender dynamics of decision-making in Kenyan maize plots
Rachel Voss Zachary Gitonga Jason Donovan Mariana Garcia-Medina Pauline Muindi (2023, [Artículo])
Gender and social inclusion efforts in agricultural development are focused on making uptake of agricultural technologies more equitable. Yet research looking at how gender relations influence technology uptake often assumes that men and women within a household make farm management decisions as individuals. Relatively little is understood about the dynamics of agricultural decision-making within dual-adult households where individuals’ management choices are likely influenced by others in the household. This study used vignettes to examine decision-making related to maize plot management in 698 dual-adult households in rural Kenya. The results indicated a high degree of joint management of maize plots (55%), although some management decisions—notably those related to purchased inputs—were slightly more likely to be controlled by men, while other decisions—including those related to hiring of labor and maize end uses—were more likely to be made by women. The prevalence of joint decision-making underscores the importance of ensuring that both men’s and women’s priorities and needs are reflected in design and marketing of interventions to support maize production, including those related to seed systems, farmer capacity building, and input delivery.
Forage yield and composition of black oat in monoculture and in association with winter vetch
Edmundo García-Moya Juan Burgueño Rodolfo Ramírez-Valverde Luis Alberto Miranda-Romero (2022, [Artículo])
Jessica Villalobos (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"This study proposes a scheme that combines the model reference control with the internal model control to impose a first-order behavior on the speed control system of direct current motors. This scheme is used as the internal loop to control the position of a model to use it as the reference for the physical motor.
This work also presents an inverse kinematic solution for the UR5 and algorithms to choose angles that do not lead to singularities. These algorithms can be used in independent joint control schemes such as the one proposed in this document."
Internal model control Model reference control Independent joint control Direct current motor UR5 manipulator Inverse kinematics INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS
Grecia Daniela del Carmen Esquivel Mondragón (2024, [Tesis de maestría])
El lenguado de California (Paralichthys californicus) ocupa el primer lugar según el índice de importancia de la comunidad (ICI) en el Estero Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California (México), y el segundo lugar en Bahía San Quintín (BSQ), mientras que el lenguado diamante (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) se ubica en tercer lugar de importancia en BSQ. Sin embargo, se conoce poco acerca de su parasitismo, lo que puede afectar su ecología. Se recolectaron 122 lenguados de P. californicus y 59 de P. guttulatus en EPB, BSQ y Laguna Manuela (LM), B.C., desde verano 2022 a primavera 2023, se identificaron once especies de ectoparásitos en ambos hospederos y se evaluó su prevalencia (p), abundancia (ap), intensidad (i) y frecuencia de ocurrencia (fo) por hospedero, localidades y estaciones del año (t), y las ap se correlacionaron con temperatura superficial del agua, surgencias, t y localidades. El lenguado de California, P. californicus, presentó diez especies de ectoparásitos y aquellas con mayores índices fueron Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, ap: 16.5, i: 65, fo: 81.4%) en LM durante invierno 2023, Pontogeneia sp. (p: 50%, a: 2.3, i: 10, fo: 25.4%) en LM durante otoño 2022, y tanto Entobdella hippoglossi (p: 44.4%, a: 1.1, i: 6, fo: 15.3%) y Acanthochondria sp. (p: 22.2%, ap: 0.7, i: 5, fo: 6.8%) en LM durante invierno 2023. P. californicus mostró cambios significativos de ap contra las localidades, aunque sin cambios para t, y todas sus correlaciones (longitud total (lt), peso y ap versus t, surgencias, temperatura del agua y sitios) fueron significativas a excepción de ap contra t. Para el lenguado P. guttulatus se identificaron cinco especies de parásitos destacando con mayores índices al copépodo Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, ap: 1, i: 1, fo: 19.1%) en EPB durante primavera 2023. Se presentaron diferencias significativas de ap con respecto al t, mientras que lt contra t, surgencias y temperatura del agua presentaron únicamente correlaciones positivas. Los parásitos de peces son importantes componentes naturales de sistemas ecológicos marinos, y debido a la sensibilidad de la relación huésped-parásito a cambios ambientales, su estudio permitiría generalizar respuestas en hospederos con el aumento o disminución de parásitos.
The California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) has the highest community importance index (ICI) in Estero Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California (Mexico), and the second highest in Bahia San Quintín (BSQ), and the diamond turbot (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) holds the third highest ICI in BSQ. A total of 122 individuals of P. californicus and 59 of P. guttulatus were collected in EPB, BSQ and Laguna Manuela (LM), B.C., from summer 2022 to spring 2023. However, very little is known about fish parasitism, which can affect host ecology in these sites. Eleven ectoparasite species were identified in both hosts and the parasite prevalence (p), abundance (pa), intensity (i), and frequency of occurrence (fo) were determined for each host, collection sites and seasons (t), the pa was related to water temperature, upwelling condition, t and sites. P. californicus presented ten species, and those with the highest indices were Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, pa: 16.5, i: 65, fo: 81.4%) in LM during winter 2023, Pontogeneia sp. (p: 50%, a: 2.3, i: 10, fo: 25.4%) in LM during autumn 2022, and both Entobdella hippoglossi (p: 44.4%, pa: 1.1, i: 6, fo: 15.3%) and Acanthochondria sp. (p: 22.2%, pa: 0.7, i: 5, fo: 6.8%) in LM during winter 2023. The halibut P. californicus showed significance in pa regarding the sites, although with no change across t, and its correlations (total length (tl), mean weight, and pa versus t, upwellings, temperature and sites) showed significance, except for ap against t. Five parasites were identified in P. guttulatus, with the copepod Lepeophteirus sp. showing the highest indices (p: 100%, pa: 1, i: 1, fo: 19.1%) in EPB during spring 2023; the turbot P. guttulatus presented differences in pa regarding t, and its tl was correlated significantly with t, upwelling conditions and water temperature. Fish parasites are an important natural component of marine ecological systems and because the host-parasite relationship is sensitive to environmental changes, studying this relationship can allow for generalizing responses in hosts with an increased or decreased levels of parasites.
Lenguado de California y diamante, ectoparásitos, prevalencia, abundancia, intensidad California halibut and diamond turbot, ectoparasites, prevalence, abundance, intensity CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE LOCALIZACIÓN DE PECES LOCALIZACIÓN DE PECES