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Síncrono / asíncrono. Convergencia y alternancia en la enseñanza futura del diseño

Francisco Gerardo Toledo Ramirez (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

La cuarentena sanitaria de los últimos dos años (COVID-19) obligó a “rediseñar”, “digitalizar” o “virtualizar” nuestros cursos y estilos de enseñanza en tiempo récord para “adaptarlas” al “formato virtual a distancia” (online). La profusión de comillas en las líneas anteriores tiene la intención de señalar el carácter incierto o erróneo que ciertos términos-fetiche adquirieron en el proceso. Es importante desmitificar esas figuras de la expresión que se elevaron casi al nivel de pseudo-epistemes (presuntamente novedosas) para la enseñanza del Diseño. Ese tema lo abordo con mayor amplitud en una nueva investigación, recientemente registrada en la UAM. En este texto esbozo (en forma algo lúdica) pero seria y breve a la vez, la conveniencia de tal desmitificación y avanzo en el delineamiento de un modelo de la alternancia y convergencia de recursos pedagógico-didácticos síncronos y asíncronos, mediante la tecnología-red digital, como un elemento estratégico para la educación futura en Diseño.

The health quarantine of the last 2 years (COVID-19) forced us to “redesign”, “digitize” or “virtualize” our courses and teaching styles in record time to “adapt” them to the “virtual format” “at a distance” (online). The profusion of quotation marks in the previous lines is intended to indicate the uncertain or erroneous character that certain fetish-terms acquired in the process. It is important to demystify those figures of expression that have risen almost to the level of pseudo-epistemes (presumably novel) for teaching design. I address this topic more fully in a new investigation, recently registered at the UAM. In this text I outline (in a somewhat playful way) but serious and brief at the same time, the convenience of such “demystification” and I advance in the outline of a model of alternation and convergence of synchronous and asynchronous pedagogical-didactic resources, through technology. -digital network, as a strategic element for future design education.

Síncrono, asíncrono, virtualidad, presencialidad, diseño, remoto. Synchronous, asynchronous, virtuality, face-to-face, design, remote. Design--Study and teaching, Higher. Distance education. Blended learning. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Artes gráficas. Educación a Distancia. Aprendizaje combinado. NK1170 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS

Educación del diseño en el futuro. Híbrida, sustentable y especializada

Rubén Sahagún Angulo (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Las disciplinas del Diseño, como otras, sobre todo en escuelas de las grandes ciudades, deberán ofertar sus carreras a distancia para reducir significativamente los problemas asociados a la movilidad y la segregación socioespacial de sus estudiantes. También deberán revisar sus planes de estudio para verter los temas de la sustentabilidad de manera transversal. Finalmente, las especialidades serán una vía para que los profesionales del Diseño regresen a la Universidad a prepararse, en lugar de ofrecer únicamente maestrías y doctorados que, en su mayoría, son cursados por profesores o investigadores.

Design disciplines, like others, especially in schools in large cities, should offer their degrees online to significantly reduce the problems associated with mobility and socio-spatial segregation of their students. Also, they should review their study plans to cover sustainability issues in a transversal way. Finally, the specialties will be a way for design professionals to return to the University to prepare, instead of only offering master’s and doctoral degrees, which are mostly taken by professors or researchers.

Educación, diseño, híbrida, sustentable y especializada. Education, design, hybrid, sustainable and specialized. Design--Study and teaching, Higher. Sustainable design. Educational change. Distance education. Artes gráficas. Diseño sustentable. Cambio educativo. Educación a Distancia. NK1170 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES

Sexual harassment and stalking in female university students: negative emotions and coping with these forms of gender-based violence

Karla Jazmín Rodríguez Hernández ADRIANA RODRIGUEZ BARRAZA Maria Carolina Agoff (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Stalking and sexual harassment, as expressions of gender violence in the field of higher education, are very pressing problems as they have been exhibited by the protest movements that have arisen in Higher Education Institutions. The objective of this work is to analyze the narratives of university women who experienced stalking and/or sexual harassment in Higher Education Institutions in the municipalities of Tampico and Ciudad Madero in the state of Tamaulipas. The purpose was to learn about their experiences and their way of dealing with these forms of gender violence, using qualitative research and a phenomenological design. The technique used for data collection was the semi-structured interview. The selection of the informants was based on intentional sampling and the number of cases examined was guided by the saturation criterion, the total number of participants being thirteen. The analysis of the interviews shows that acts of stalking and sexual harassment provoke various emotions in women that can shed light on the problem of violence from the perspective of the victims, instead of considering only their own explanations, which are often rationalized or consistent with socially legitimized meanings. In sum, the study of emotions allows us to conclude that women within the university context suffer from a psychophysical discomfort that does not allow them to live a full university life.

Emociones instituciones de educación superior acoso sexual hostigamiento sexual violencia de género CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Emotions, higher education institutions, sexual stalking, sexual harassment